Recent content by Sooner Season

  1. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    Whew……..we dodged a bullet there!!!!😂
  2. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    That’s not what he said here………..
  3. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    That’s a fair opinion if you believe that, but to imply we are better off not having him available at all seems just silly to me.
  4. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    Never said he is a solid P5 starter. Who’s moving the goal posts? And you contrasting “occassionally” with “rare” and dividing numbers to get percentages seems you just want to argue and ignore my overall point. Which is, I appreciate Sam’s talent as limited as it may be and his effort is...
  5. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    This is a very good post. Criticizing Sam is fine if you want to look at what’s he’s not. I choose to look at what he is, as limited as it may be. But when someone says we need Sam back and to say no thanks? Seriously?? We need Sam, we need Wague, we need Northeeather all to be available to...
  6. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    Couldn't have said it better!
  7. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    This all day long!!!
  8. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    Brother, you guys like to strain at gnats. The point is the same, he's not all conference, he's not a stiff, he's a decent player who gives maximum effort. He has indeed had multiple double figure games in both points and rebounds, sometimes in the same game, which is better than anyone we...
  9. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    Like I said…………
  10. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    It’s truly amazing. Why people can’t appreciate him for what he is……a decent center who plays his guts out that might occasionally drop 20 points or pull down 15 rebounds. What a stiff!! It’s just he’s such a step down from what we have had the past few years……..oh wait, we didn’t have a 5...
  11. Sooner Season

    sam godwin

    You guys are right about the Godwin slander................who needs a guy who had hit 19 shots in a row? Shaking my head..........🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  12. Sooner Season

    Brandon Garrison

    You could be right which again shows he has no idea how to run a program in the NIL/portal era.
  13. Sooner Season

    Brandon Garrison

    If you come out and say "our NIL wasn't good but we are where we can compete now" and it's not true, then your are setting yourself up to be blamed. I'm just going by what Moser himself said before this year and during his post selection whine conference last year that NIL was a problem but...