Recent content by triplefatty

  1. triplefatty

    Really? The Pac-10?

    this is a joke right? OK-LA-****ING-HOMA with california universities? Are you guys that desperate for california validation? Incredible. I'm sure those rich california schools will adore Love's gas station and what-a-burger. You hypocrites.
  2. triplefatty

    Stoops + Kruger seen reminiscing about KSU days

    at local norman subway???? :capelspin
  3. triplefatty

    mavs and thunder

    does anyone else think at least one game needs to be announced by dave armstrong, reid gettys with doug bell in the studio doing pregame? also, have it sponsored by whataburger and love's. my god, we would be the only ones that would get it.
  4. triplefatty

    who misses ksu more...lon or bob?
  5. triplefatty

    congrats on new coach

    he's attractive and looks great for his age. he's also a cat! cats!
  6. triplefatty

    your fav ksu-ou game in mhk?

    I'll go w/03. Put in scare in hollis and the boys. Tim ellis for three?? YES! OVERTIME!!!
  7. triplefatty

    we are back to sucking.

    :( it was fun while it lasted.
  8. triplefatty

    still here!

    just because you guys suck now, doesn't mean i left!! you know, when you guys were all good and stuff, all of us would hang around you were the cool kid. you are still cool, and my friend! now, let's go to the beach! :hollis754:
  9. triplefatty

    I LLLOOVEE the ford center

    that place owns KU. Made a ton of friends w/ou neutral fans today. incredible stuff. people in oklahoma kick ass. :clap
  10. triplefatty

    OKC NCAA Tickets?

    Would be amazing folks. fatty will be there. :clap
  11. triplefatty

    I love you guys.

    Really, that's all I have to say. Truly, Love.
  12. triplefatty

    Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

    OU! <==with hands extended in an 'O' and 'U' shape respectivly. Is this a football only thing?
  13. triplefatty


    I just want to hug him. Move this thread if you want, but I wanted to post this. So sad.
  14. triplefatty

    Sam Bradford?

    when do you think he'll be back.