As of now, I think my first unit would be:
Nina Davis, Baylor
Gioya Carter, Oklahoma
Seanna Johnson, Iowa State
Veja Hamilton, TCU
Nneka Enempkali, Texas
Of course, Nneka would not finish there, having only played in seven games. But, she was the key to Texas when they were good.
Chelsea Gardner, Kansas
Brittney Martin, OSU
Amber Battle, Texas Tech
Bria Holmes, West Virginia
Natalie Knight, Kansas
Brynn Williamson, Iowa State
Niya Johnson, Baylor
Peyton Little, Oklahoma
I would probably be loaded with players from the top three or four in the conference. Have Sharane, Gabbi, and Kay Kay done enough to merit consideration, or are they part of a team?
Nina Davis, Baylor
Gioya Carter, Oklahoma
Seanna Johnson, Iowa State
Veja Hamilton, TCU
Nneka Enempkali, Texas
Of course, Nneka would not finish there, having only played in seven games. But, she was the key to Texas when they were good.
Chelsea Gardner, Kansas
Brittney Martin, OSU
Amber Battle, Texas Tech
Bria Holmes, West Virginia
Natalie Knight, Kansas
Brynn Williamson, Iowa State
Niya Johnson, Baylor
Peyton Little, Oklahoma
I would probably be loaded with players from the top three or four in the conference. Have Sharane, Gabbi, and Kay Kay done enough to merit consideration, or are they part of a team?