Am I a bad fan?


Active member
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Got a committment tonight but will be home in time to watch the game before I retire for the night if I choose to. But, as the years have gone by and I get to that point in the season where faith has decreased, I will probably look at the score at some point and notice we are behind. Then I expect to surge ahead believing we will come up short in the end. I hope we don't get blown out but that is always a possibilty. My question is am I a bad fan becuase I expect us to fall short once again? Should I believe in the direction or are we just a smidge better than last year and it is what it is? Or does that feeling exist in most fans today? Does it signal the end of Moser's era? My hope seems lost that we make the tourney again and I know that isn't good enough. A little over a week ago I felt we still had a chance and suddenly, I am close to not tormenting my soul watching yet another collapse.
Got a committment tonight but will be home in time to watch the game before I retire for the night if I choose to. But, as the years have gone by and I get to that point in the season where faith has decreased, I will probably look at the score at some point and notice we are behind. Then I expect to surge ahead believing we will come up short in the end. I hope we don't get blown out but that is always a possibilty. My question is am I a bad fan becuase I expect us to fall short once again? Should I believe in the direction or are we just a smidge better than last year and it is what it is? Or does that feeling exist in most fans today? Does it signal the end of Moser's era? My hope seems lost that we make the tourney again and I know that isn't good enough. A little over a week ago I felt we still had a chance and suddenly, I am close to not tormenting my soul watching yet another collapse.
You are just realistic and tired of mediocracy.
I've been this way more or less 5 years
It doesn't make you a bad fan to expect bad things, especially on the road and/or in conference play. Multiple years of results support that feeling. The Cincy game was very much an outlier. Personally, unless I have an unavoidable conflict, I am glued to my TV for every game. On nights like tonight when I can't be home, I will follow on my phone. But then again, as a fan of the Raiders, Mets, and Flyers, I am accustomed to supporting teams that put me through hell.
In some ways most of us could be called bad fans. We all want success for the coaches, players, and university; and we get frustrated when we hit pot holes. However, I figure the only way you are really a bad fan is if you want the wins for your own ego more than you want it for the players and coaches who are putting in all the hard work.
It doesn't make you a bad fan to expect bad things, especially on the road and/or in conference play. Multiple years of results support that feeling. The Cincy game was very much an outlier. Personally, unless I have an unavoidable conflict, I am glued to my TV for every game. On nights like tonight when I can't be home, I will follow on my phone. But then again, as a fan of the Raiders, Mets, and Flyers, I am accustomed to supporting teams that put me through hell.
Raiders fan? I thought I kind of liked you until now. 😀
Got a committment tonight but will be home in time to watch the game before I retire for the night if I choose to. But, as the years have gone by and I get to that point in the season where faith has decreased, I will probably look at the score at some point and notice we are behind. Then I expect to surge ahead believing we will come up short in the end. I hope we don't get blown out but that is always a possibilty. My question is am I a bad fan becuase I expect us to fall short once again? Should I believe in the direction or are we just a smidge better than last year and it is what it is? Or does that feeling exist in most fans today? Does it signal the end of Moser's era? My hope seems lost that we make the tourney again and I know that isn't good enough. A little over a week ago I felt we still had a chance and suddenly, I am close to not tormenting my soul watching yet another collapse.
No, you're human. These mid to end of year nosedives which have not only happened with Moser but later Kruger era cause me to lose interest also. I'll probably only watch it if we win. It is what it is. Give me something to get excited about...
It doesn’t make you a bad fan. Bad fans trash players and coaches on social media, scream at the coaches during the game (there was a guy who did that at the Tech game and it was super annoying), and/or just bandwagon. There is nothing wrong with losing interest in a team. A big job of both the coaches and players is to garner interest in the program. How do you do that? Win! People will naturally be more interest in programs that have success.

Now if you were on here saying: “I’m never supporting Oklahoma basketball again, they suck and I’ll never watch another second.” I would question how true of a fan you really are.
No, you're human. These mid to end of year nosedives which have not only happened with Moser but later Kruger era cause me to lose interest also. I'll probably only watch it if we win. It is what it is. Give me something to get excited about...
Yeah there were some meltdowns under Kruger as well that really sucked as a fan. I remember Reaves’ last year when they lost to OSU in back to back games after being ranked in the top 10 at one point in the season. I don’t think I watched them again until the NCAA tournament.
I love watching OU basketball. But I do check out if I feel like the team has given up or isn't playing with effort. I'm almost there with this team. Apart from a few players, it doesn't look like they care out there or that they are giving max effort. I can put up with a lot of mediocre play if the hustle is there and we just aren't good enough
I record the games, both football and bball, and only watch if they win. Ruins my day a bit if I watch real time and they lose. Ofc, different story if I am in Oklahoma for a game (usually go to LNC/Owen Field).
It’s depressing to me that this is what the program has become. I remember when we were one of the best teams in the big8 going toe to toe with ku and Missouri, more than winning our share and winning conference titles. It was a lot of fun. Sampson’s run was fun too even tho we were clearly number 2 behind ku and had some very disappointing ncaa early exits.

Since Sampson left, the program has largely been a dumpster fire except for 3-4 seasons. So, I am losing or have lost my faith in the program. I expect us to lose these games. Yet, like an addict, I can’t look away. I will watch a little and probably follow along on my phone until I can’t watch anymore while we fall behind and lose another road game, hoping against hope that we actually pull out a win. It sickens me how far we’ve fallen.
Usually, the only thing that makes me miss watching a game is if I'm watching my grandsons at their games. Sometimes, I think the 4th grader has the same officials that OU has!
Usually, the only thing that makes me miss watching a game is if I'm watching my grandsons at their games. Sometimes, I think the 4th grader has the same officials that OU has!
This is an unrelated note but officiating has become just awful at every level. I coach JH and High school and I just cannot stand the officiating most games. It seems like officials have way more influence than they used to.
This is an unrelated note but officiating has become just awful at every level. I coach JH and High school and I just cannot stand the officiating most games. It seems like officials have way more influence than they used to.
The game needs more refs.

No one wants to do it. Why would they? Half the folks hate you!

On a serious note….. It’s gonna be a really bad issue in the next 5-10 years if not sooner. Hs down…

Side note. I hate refs !