Balance, Balance, Balance and Building


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Nov 12, 2008
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As I have watched the last couple of years I saw that coach played with the cards he was dealt and did a behind the scenes makeover of the team. He knew Taylor and Blake would move on but, I believe he did a great job to get the right pieces in place before they left. You bring a ultra talented guard that gets some good experience and plays to the level of talent we have for the sake of the team. You bring in some JC's that make some splash and you root out the bad laundry, the ones that get it make a big impact there second year right on schedule. Now, you bring in another couple of kids that can play right away and you have great balance. Now you have a steady flow of talent and are rid of NCAA stuff that was bogging you down. Coach has the right plan in place and this will be tough the first part of this year but, after getting over Griffins being gone the program will start to be there every year....




He is building a program that can be a perennial contender. I really hope he stays at OU for the long haul because I think he has a good thing going and we definitely have a good thing going.
He has the perfect place to build a family type of program. There is always a question on what is on a coaches mind such as his because the door will get knocked on at Duke Sooner or later and if he leaves or not will be up to this Fan base. The OU Staff is the greatest but, the question will be if the fans at OU will embrace the teams he puts out and if this University will put up the money to make LNC a bad experience for incoming teams to play in. I care to think the ladder.....
I certainly love the way Capel is handling this program. He does so many things right... its crazy! I can't believe Joe C pulled this rabbit out of his hat! JC is a coach for the ages, IMO.