Brexit panic fades fast


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Nov 3, 2008
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That's all, folks – the Brexit crisis is over
June 29, 2016


We can all Breathe a sigh of Brelief: Brexit is Brehind us.

That’s what the markets seem to be saying, anyway. On June 17, six days before Brits voted to leave the European Union, the S&P 500 index closed at 2,071. Stocks rallied during the week heading into the vote, as traders anticipated a “remain” outcome.

Then stocks tanked for the next two days, on the “leave” outcome.

Stocks have since rallied again, with the S&P 500 settling –guess where — right around 2,071 six days after the vote. So markets have now completely reverted to the status quo ante, before traders started betting on the Brexit outcome. “We’re in the process of putting in a bottom,” David Nelson, chief strategist at Belpointe Asset Management, tells Yahoo Finance. “The worst fears seem to be gone.”

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And now the media will move on to manufacture their next "strawman-crisis". Hysteria reigns supreme....if only for a short time.
Brexit probably won't be a big deal for 2 or 3 more years if they end up leaving the EU.
And now the media will move on to manufacture their next "strawman-crisis". Hysteria reigns supreme....if only for a short time.

What's your favorite one? My personal favorite was Ebola. They had millions of people wearing masks and stuff in airports.

8 people in this country got Ebola. 8. Eight. 7+1 = 8. 4 + 4 = 8.

99.999997% of the United States didn't have or get Ebola, and they had people scared to death. Cancelling vacations. Wearing masks in public places. They literally caused hysteria. People were buying hazmat suits online. No kidding, people bought HAZMAT SUITS!
What's your favorite one? ...

Y2K ... the computer glitch that was going to end civilization as we know it.

We were warned for years and years how this catastrophe was coming. Then on the night if 12/31/1999, the news media held an all night vigil, moving from one time zone to the next. Nothing happened, but computer consultants got rich selling fear to corporations and governments.

2012 ... Then there was 21 December 2012, when worldwide cataclysmic upheavals were to overtake human civilization. Nothing happened, but fear-mongers got rich making movies, writing books, and selling documentaries to PBS and the History Channel.
Y2K ... the computer glitch that was going to end civilization as we know it.

We were warned for years and years how this catastrophe was coming. Then on the night if 12/31/1999, the news media held an all night vigil, moving from one time zone to the next. Nothing happened, but computer consultants got rich selling fear to corporations and governments.

2012 ... Then there was 21 December 2012, when worldwide cataclysmic upheavals were to overtake human civilization. Nothing happened, but fear-mongers got rich making movies, writing books, and selling documentaries to PBS and the History Channel.

There was at least the possibility of problems with Y2K but the IT types were well aware of it before 2000. My company started preparing for it well in advance. 2012 was just silly.
What's your favorite one? My personal favorite was Ebola. They had millions of people wearing masks and stuff in airports.

8 people in this country got Ebola. 8. Eight. 7+1 = 8. 4 + 4 = 8.

99.999997% of the United States didn't have or get Ebola, and they had people scared to death. Cancelling vacations. Wearing masks in public places. They literally caused hysteria. People were buying hazmat suits online. No kidding, people bought HAZMAT SUITS!

By far my favorite in recent memory. I'd watch the "news" and crack up about the crap they were trying to sell as fact.
When a superstar like Prince or Michael Jackson dies the media coverage is insufferable.
What's your favorite one? My personal favorite was Ebola. They had millions of people wearing masks and stuff in airports.

8 people in this country got Ebola. 8. Eight. 7+1 = 8. 4 + 4 = 8.

99.999997% of the United States didn't have or get Ebola, and they had people scared to death. Cancelling vacations. Wearing masks in public places. They literally caused hysteria. People were buying hazmat suits online. No kidding, people bought HAZMAT SUITS!

Since I am in health care, I remember the "crisis" of Avian flu and swine flu (H1N1) very vividly. But when you look back, more people die of lightning strikes and construction accidents than either of those two illnesses. Not to make light of anyone who has had to deal with obscure illnesses, but most of the hysteria that accommodates these "epidemics" (sarcasm) are typically reserved for under-developed countries and countries that lack good sanitation and/or hygiene practices.
It's like an illness where the patient senses improvement before relapsing and that's exactly how this will play out. it's not over folks by any means.