Castiglione probably won't play a wild card >>> The Oklahoman


Tramel really went deep, DEEP, D E E P into his bag for that topic huh?

pure genius/
sadly this is the really boring part in the process. As long as potential canidates are still playing games in the NCAA tourney and NIT not much else for writers to talk about right now.
Not now. Joe C. will make this next hire, but not carte blanche. The eventual fall of the Capel regime means university administrators are paying more attention to this coaching search. Will ask more questions and demand more assurances from Castiglione this time.

Joe C. best be prepared to defend his choice. There will be no rubber stamp.

A lot of uninformed speculation in that article.

I guess he had to write something.

All Joe C has to do is hire the best coach available who will take the job. I have a feeling that whoever is hired is with a team still playing basketball.