Clinton Corruption....


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
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Not a big shocker here.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.

“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.

His examples include a free-trade agreement in Colombia that benefited a major foundation donor’s natural resource investments in the South American nation, development projects in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010, and more than $1 million in payments to Mr. Clinton by a Canadian bank and major shareholder in the Keystone XL oil pipeline around the time the project was being debated in the State Department.

In the end, it doesn't matter. She will probably get elected because few, if any, politicians actually get their feet held to the fire on these patterns of misbehavior....and this goes for both sides of the aisle.

In the end, it doesn't matter. She will probably get elected because few, if any, politicians actually get their feet held to the fire on these patterns of misbehavior....and this goes for both sides of the aisle.

Unpunished corruption of major political figures is the norm. The expectation.

South Park has captured my view of the two political parties perfectly:
Yes there will be no shortage of opportunists cashing in on the Clintons by bilking their adversaries. It will be a great business model similar to that dopey Obama 2016 movie. lol lol

Here's the real world according to CNN/ORC which is the highest rated polling outfit.

Hillary Clinton nationally is
+17 over Bush
+22 over Walker
+19 over Paul
+24 over Cruz
+14 over Rubio
+19 over Christie
+21 over Huckabee
+24 over Carson

Obama slaughtering McCain and Romney was nothing compared to what's coming next year.
I am so tired of money influencing our politicians.

I'd much rather see a system where NO money was used for campaigns and campaign time/exposure was limited and uniform. Take like 4 months ... have some open forums and debates ... like 4 national commericals for each candidate ... and then voting. To me there is no greater waste than campaign funds.

Of course that also means no lobbyists. That would be great.
So Clinton intentionally keeps her email on a private server which is a violation of Obama Administration policy and probably federal law.

She then destroys all of the email. Why?

Now we learn that the Clinton foundation and Bill Clinton received hundreds of millions (combined) from people with interests in state department action.

One of these was a sale of a Canadian company that controlled uranium to Russia. And the donations to the foundations, which were quite large, we're "mistakenly" not reported in violation of an agreement with the Obama administration and probably federal tax law.

I have no idea what actually happened but this doesn't look or smell right. I suspect people have been convicted of murder on not much more circumstantial evidence.
^ In the old days, some dedicated investigative reporters would be working day and night to get to the bottom of apparent political corruption like this. The sums of money involved in the "deals" apparently brokered by the Clinton's are staggering, and the subsequent speaking fees paid to President Clinton by the apparent beneficiaries of the deals are huge. Seriously, why would anybody pay anyone $500,000 or $750,000 for one speech? And then do it again and again? It certainly does not look or smell right.

Secretary Clinton often uses the word "transparency" to describe her campaign. I guess those pesky emails became transparent once they were wiped.

Then again, it could just be that the Clinton's are the best example of a 21st century American success story ...
Ah. I hope the Democrats are improving in their use of corruption. Thus far, they have been unable to keep pace with the Republicans, a historical problem going all the way back to the start of the last century. But, Democrats are getting a little better. There is still a tendency to get caught with $50,000 in the freezer or mink coats here and there. But, I think the Democrats are now developing their own schools that enable them to achieve at least some level of corruption which has been indicative of power for thousands of years.

No matter what the Democrats do, they just aren't good at the really big scam, like a billion dollars off the back of a truck in Iraq, or Iran Contra, or having the audacity to convince the American people that they are innocent while asking for $700 billion to bail out banks and insurance companies in order to overcome their own fraud. Perhaps, it is the legacy of being born without a silver spoon in your mouth, or foot as Ann Richards would say. Democrats just don't seem to have the ability to steal trillions and keep a straight face. Even with all of the acting coaching of Hollywood, it seems to take having been born rich to have the audacity to steal someone's pension and claim that it is their own fault. Having the experience of having lived among the poor seems to preclude such audacity.

But, with your patience, we will become more experienced with our efforts to achieve real corruption. We just need a bit more time in order to learn to overcome our own conscience, a severe liability in government.
LOL @ the desperation of Republicans knowing they are going to get blown out again in 2016.

"Hillary used a private email server" .... so what "Yeah but this "probably" "Possibly" "might" break the law". Of course it doesn't you jackoffs. lol Had she used a state department email account and sent personal emails Howdy Gowdy would be having hearings about "Hillary abusing government property for personal use".

"The Clinton Foundation accepted donations from important people". lol Yeah they did to spend on fighting poverty and hunger around the world. Republican candidates are going to accept hundreds of millions from the Koch turds and Casino con man Adelson to cut their tax rates. Good luck with that argument.

Your ass is grass. The election will be about the Clinton/Obama economic massive success versus the Bush economic disaster. That loser will be an albatross around the GOP's neck for a generation. Jimmy Carter was George Washington compared to W. lol
Your willingness to lie is unbelievable. A democratic Congress passed TARP and the Bush Administration specifically asked Obama if he wanted the law. That means Democrats passed the bank bailout.
The GOP will offer innuendo and conjecture, Hillary will just tell people to pull out their 401K statements from 1992-2000 and 2009-2016 and compare the results to 2001-2008. lol lol The walking dead is the idiots who try to climb that mountain. It's over before it starts. It's the economy stupid part 2.
Your willingness to lie is unbelievable. A democratic Congress passed TARP and the Bush Administration specifically asked Obama if he wanted the law. That means Democrats passed the bank bailout.

Exactly!!! Bush drove the country off the cliff to emergency status which required the entire financial system to be bailed out. Democrats put together a plan that not only worked and saved the economy, taxpayers made billion of $ of profits from interest and warrants!!!

Seriously how big of an economic imbecile does one have to be to think TARP was anything but a massive success? lol @ the stupidity of Texans.
Your willingness to lie is unbelievable. A democratic Congress passed TARP and the Bush Administration specifically asked Obama if he wanted the law. That means Democrats passed the bank bailout.

See. You said that with a straight face. We just can't do that. But, we'll try to learn it.
The United States booked a $15.3 billion profit on TARP. That means the program, when finished reduced the national debt by $15.3 trillion. Seriously it's no wonder Republicans explode deficits and crash the economy. They don't have a clue how it works.

U.S. Ends TARP with $15.3 Billion Profit

What do Christie, Walker, Jindal, Jan Brewer, Brownback etc have in common? Their economic policies have seen slow growth and high deficits. Just like W!!! Gee you think it's the formula? Us poor socialists out here in California are swimming in surpluses, record wealth and home prices. It's the economy stupid Part 2. We understand red state people are slow learners.
The United States booked a $15.3 billion profit on TARP. That means the program, when finished reduced the national debt by $15.3 trillion. Seriously it's no wonder Republicans explode deficits and crash the economy. They don't have a clue how it works.

U.S. Ends TARP with $15.3 Billion Profit

What do Christie, Walker, Jindal, Jan Brewer, Brownback etc have in common? Their economic policies have seen slow growth and high deficits. Just like W!!! Gee you think it's the formula? Us poor socialists out here in California are swimming in surpluses, record wealth and home prices. It's the economy stupid Part 2. We understand red state people are slow learners.

See. You said that with a straight face. We just can't do that. But, we'll try to learn it.

In 2006 the Democrats took control of Congress. Pelosi was speaker of the House and Harry Reid was the majority leader of the Senate. The market crashed in October shortly befor the Presidential elections before the 2008 elections. No president (other than Obama who ignores the Constitution) can make law. Congress passed TARP. Bush only signed after Obama said he was in agreement. This is fact.
Exactly!!! Bush drove the country off the cliff to emergency status which required the entire financial system to be bailed out. Democrats put together a plan that not only worked and saved the economy, taxpayers made billion of $ of profits from interest and warrants!!!

Seriously how big of an economic imbecile does one have to be to think TARP was anything but a massive success? lol @ the stupidity of Texans.

You think 15 billion on 750 billion is a massive success? 2% in how many years? The US borrowed the money at what rate?

I thought you were in the financial industry.
I dont see there being any definitive answer about TARP being a success or a failure.

It UNDOUBTEDLY stopped bank failures and prevented job losses. Period. Even Romney admitted that in public. But it didn't stop the foreclosures as predicted and the growth hasn't been what was desired - obviously.

I see it as a push.
In 2006 the Democrats took control of Congress. Pelosi was speaker of the House and Harry Reid was the majority leader of the Senate. The market crashed in October shortly befor the Presidential elections before the 2008 elections. No president (other than Obama who ignores the Constitution) can make law. Congress passed TARP. Bush only signed after Obama said he was in agreement. This is fact.

Ah-ha. So, you want to blame the people who repaired the problem rather than those who caused it? That makes sense. Let's also blame Obama for starting the Iraq Debacle.
More lies. Bush went to congress and warned of the coming problem. Barney Frank insisted there was no problem.

Additionally it was the community investment act which pressured banks to make. Ad loans combined with Fannie and Freddie guarantys of those loans. The government encouraged high risk loans with one program and then took away the risk associated with those high risk loans with other programs. These were liberal policy decisions.

Now it would be wrong to blame it entirely on democrats because Bush should have done more. Republicans shoukd have done more. But to blame it on Bush unilaterally is ridiculous.

By the way the. Anks are doing the same thing again. Zero or. Wry little down and no doc loans are back.