Crocker and Davis


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Funny. When the season started with all the TMG, Pledger and Fitzgerald talk, I assumed Cade and Tony might take somewhat of a backseat as those freshman began to develop.

Last night it was clear they were the best players OU had on the floor. Crocker getting 16 rebounds was incredible. And Davis absolutely stoned Roteni Clarke - who is a very nice player. Who knew either of them could do that. Certainly looks like they were challenged and stepped up.

Experience is a factor many fans, including me, overlook. Davis and Crocker are going to be the upperclass glue that holds this team together. Talented freshman are great, but you need some experience if your team wants to make a deep run in the tournament.
The typical fan always wants the new guys to play and ALWAYS want the second team quarterback on the football field.

Experience counts. It is a big step from high school ball to Div I and AAU ball doesn't get them ready. Sometimes I think AAU is nothing but a recruiting showcase.
Sometimes I think AAU is nothing but a recruiting showcase.

I agree completely. AAU doesn't appear to teach fundamentals. If a kid's hs coach doesn't either, they have a lot of ground to make up when they get to college - no matter how talented they are.
It will be interesting to see how playing time is distributed when conference play starts and a 4 guard lineup will get you killed inside almost every night. I guess a 4 man rotation at the 1-2-3 would get everybody 30 minutes per game.
I never expected Tony Crocker to not start and I always expected Cade to be a primary contributor. The biggest surprize to me is that Orlando Allen, Ryan Wright and Ray Willis are not contributing much. (Ryan is contributing and is the onlly reason I used the word 'much'.)

I thought TMG and Tiny would probably start (but I was not convinced about Tiny) and that Pledger and Fitzgerald would add some depth. I have been very pleased to see what a player Pledger is. He is going to be a good one. I think he will be a Michael Neal on steroids. By that I mean he will be that good of shooter but capable of much more than Michael.