ESPN Article on Harrison Barnes and Seantrel Henderson

I can't get the link to work. Repost without ellipses?
It was a cool article, didn't know they had a connection. If OU was to land both of the #1s, I would try to ride my Harley like Indian Larry, standing up on the seat on the highway. Thats not going to happen!!
I'd say we have a better shot at Barnes than Henderson... and that's not saying much about our chances with Barnes.

I think it says a lot about our athletic program, though, that the best players in basketball and football both have OU as finalists, and neither is from the area.
There's a poster on the Rivals board, OUBrew, I believe. I think he's a teacher at Henderson's school.
And without trying to say that anything possibly that could be misconstrued as an NCAA infraction has made his case to Henderson about the benefits of OU. And through channels to OU coaches made them aware of interest by Henderson in OU.