Last night I had an usher tell me....


New member
Jan 12, 2009
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with about 5 min to go in the first have that it was open seating and that we could go down to the lower level. It appeared to me that some people did as it filled in later in the game. I don't know if this has been discussed before but is there any chance that they open up seating and just don't want to announce it on the PA. Anyway if it is actually true, bigtime or OU hoops or somebody, I just wanted to spread the word.

Yeah we moved down too last year alot except for the big games of texas and osu and kansas
Empty seats in the lower bowl are fair game after the first media timeout. They never announce it though. Occasionally, people encounter an usher who isn't aware, but your can usually just move to another enty point and get in that way.
with about 5 min to go in the first have that it was open seating and that we could go down to the lower level. It appeared to me that some people did as it filled in later in the game. I don't know if this has been discussed before but is there any chance that they open up seating and just don't want to announce it on the PA. Anyway if it is actually true, bigtime or OU hoops or somebody, I just wanted to spread the word.



Its a touchy subject from the AD's perpective because they don't want to upset the high dollar season ticket holders by announcing that the upper level folks can move down. They prefer to do it they way they are doing it now. I have only heard them announce it once since OU has been here (against Mizzou during Capel's second year), and literally 2500 people moved down right away. I have yet to see that many people move down again.

I wish they would take a chance and announce it during some of the lesser filled TV games, because it would make us look better on the tube.
Yep, I believe it's supposed to be the policy that you can sit in any open seat after the first TV timeout, but you must move if the seatholder shows up.
i went to the first game and had nosebleeds and before teh game started i went courtside
Well, thanks to this board, I'm certainly going to try this when I attend the Northern Colorado game and any game thereafter where we can find better seats.

Its a touchy subject from the AD's perpective because they don't want to upset the high dollar season ticket holders by announcing that the upper level folks can move down. They prefer to do it they way they are doing it now. I have only heard them announce it once since OU has been here (against Mizzou during Capel's second year), and literally 2500 people moved down right away. I have yet to see that many people move down again.

I wish they would take a chance and announce it during some of the lesser filled TV games, because it would make us look better on the tube.

If I remember right the attendence at that mizzou game was terrible. I remember looking up from the student section and being embarresed that the game was on tv.

As far as upseting the season ticket holders I understand the concept, but to me they can't get that upset considering all they have to do is show up and it's their seat, plus personally I have always thought it was more entertaining to watch a game surrounded by people than to be by myself, so it shouldn't upset the ticket holders that are there especially considering they know they get that seat, especially when the big three on our scedule come to town. I agree that they should at least put up signs in the upper concourse explaining it.
I think they would rather have fans informally move down. If it were an official policy, some borderline donors (smaller donors) might not feel like contributing for a benefit that they could get for free most nights. My seats are full every game (by me or someone else), but there are a lot of empties around me. I have no problem with people moving down and packing the lower levels as soon as we tip off.
with about 5 min to go in the first have that it was open seating and that we could go down to the lower level. It appeared to me that some people did as it filled in later in the game. I don't know if this has been discussed before but is there any chance that they open up seating and just don't want to announce it on the PA. Anyway if it is actually true, bigtime or OU hoops or somebody, I just wanted to spread the word.


Thats a common practice my daughter and son love to get better seats.