News9 sports deserves a big thumbs down


New member
Nov 7, 2008
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once again OU men's basketball with a big win against Notre Dame in NYC at Madson Square Garden ... and Dean Blevins crew could hardly be bothered to mention it.

their lead was kyler murray meeting friends in NYC. I think they ever spoke about soccer before mentioning the win.

worthless pukes. if dean had an OU degree he should be required to give it back and apologize.
once again OU men's basketball with a big win against Notre Dame in NYC at Madson Square Garden ... and Dean Blevins crew could hardly be bothered to mention it.

their lead was kyler murray meeting friends in NYC. I think they ever spoke about soccer before mentioning the win.

worthless pukes. if dean had an OU degree he should be required to give it back and apologize.

i'm not a fan of dean.

I usually watch koco5's sports coverage
Deans reputation and self perception far outweigh his actual contributions....On the field or on the screen.
Basketball Forum, but a Football State..just the way it is