I’ve been in observation mode for several months and the following are just a few opinions based on those observations:
1. It appears to be some cost cutting measures taking place in WBB. JRoss is no longer on the website and I assume no longer on the staff.
2. CCoale is still on the website and I assume still on the staff.
3. SCoale is still on the website and I assume still on the staff.
If budget issues were a concern, why not reassign or terminate SCoale after it was made public her acts of racist statements and insensitivity toward “her” student-athletes? Oh, my bad! That’s right. “Her” players did not include the black player who had long braids. That could have saved the budget in one move. JRoss could have been moved to interim head coach until a decision could have been made. Others (across the board of any industry) who have made insensitive racist comments (especially to the vulnerable who question if they have a voice) have been terminated within hours of their insensitivity/racist acts becoming public. Why is SCoale still there and the leader of a sports program in an EDUCATION organization? Does OU offer education/training in cultural diversity for its employees since SCoale stated her comments were not to intentionally harm? She clearly needs to be educated although I personally believe that at the age of 50 plus (even 40), one has lived long enough and been exposed to different cultures to understand and know the difference between right and wrong, even if you have never been taught to treat people the way you want to be treated. It’s not rocket science! It’s a shame that it requires training. It’s really a matter of integrity, the heart and mindset. And if she’s never made the comment to some, but to others (who may not be starters, nationally ranked…creating money for her purse), then it seems one would know exactly what they are doing/saying! We don’t have to wonder if she ever made those types of comments to CParis because I can’t imagine she’d be there and willing to help coach the program back to some semblance of decency in the conference. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. CParis was very visible with the student-athletes and their peaceful protest against racism and injustice toward minorities/black and brown people.
And CCoale should have been shown the door during half-time of the game that he shoved SPellington in the back as they were heading to the locker room. When did it become okay for anyone, especially a man to shove a young lady (let alone coach versus player) in such a mean-spirited demonstrative way (it was clear he was reprimanding her)? If I was her dad, I would’ve had a conversation with him the minute he returned from that locker room. Men have been fired for less. I can only imagine what he said and how he said it…it didn’t look good and was obviously wrong. And then they have the nerve to promote a video that challenges any other coaching staff in a game of 5 on 5. Hell, let CCoale sit it out. CParis can cover two! SCoale acts like her son is the next coming of Coach K with a pinch of Michael Jordan. His wife can probably beat him 2-3 games. And she was right about herself. Take the ball out. Matter-of-fact, just let CParis, AThomas and JStiles handle it.
I don’t expect anything to change as long as the current captain of the ship remains in the stern. But don’t expect any strong, athletic, high producing and nationally ranked sailors to join. Parents of student-athletes are not stupid and neither are the student-athletes. As long as the leadership is status quo…it stays the same. They can hire Magic Johnson and Larry Bird as assistants…ain’t nobody trying to be a Sooner with the current head coach. She’s shown the nation/world who she is; actions and words. Shameful! Just my ongoing (past 13+ years) ever humble opinion of this program. Now…back to my early morning java!
PS…what kind of organization can become aware of one of their employees (let alone a head coach) making insensitive racial statements, allegedly having an affair with one of her staff members based on the comments of a former student-athlete’s PARENT, and run a program from the penthouse to the curb…and do nothing? Hmmmm…. Janet Jackson’s “Control” video should feature SCoale.
1. It appears to be some cost cutting measures taking place in WBB. JRoss is no longer on the website and I assume no longer on the staff.
2. CCoale is still on the website and I assume still on the staff.
3. SCoale is still on the website and I assume still on the staff.
If budget issues were a concern, why not reassign or terminate SCoale after it was made public her acts of racist statements and insensitivity toward “her” student-athletes? Oh, my bad! That’s right. “Her” players did not include the black player who had long braids. That could have saved the budget in one move. JRoss could have been moved to interim head coach until a decision could have been made. Others (across the board of any industry) who have made insensitive racist comments (especially to the vulnerable who question if they have a voice) have been terminated within hours of their insensitivity/racist acts becoming public. Why is SCoale still there and the leader of a sports program in an EDUCATION organization? Does OU offer education/training in cultural diversity for its employees since SCoale stated her comments were not to intentionally harm? She clearly needs to be educated although I personally believe that at the age of 50 plus (even 40), one has lived long enough and been exposed to different cultures to understand and know the difference between right and wrong, even if you have never been taught to treat people the way you want to be treated. It’s not rocket science! It’s a shame that it requires training. It’s really a matter of integrity, the heart and mindset. And if she’s never made the comment to some, but to others (who may not be starters, nationally ranked…creating money for her purse), then it seems one would know exactly what they are doing/saying! We don’t have to wonder if she ever made those types of comments to CParis because I can’t imagine she’d be there and willing to help coach the program back to some semblance of decency in the conference. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. CParis was very visible with the student-athletes and their peaceful protest against racism and injustice toward minorities/black and brown people.
And CCoale should have been shown the door during half-time of the game that he shoved SPellington in the back as they were heading to the locker room. When did it become okay for anyone, especially a man to shove a young lady (let alone coach versus player) in such a mean-spirited demonstrative way (it was clear he was reprimanding her)? If I was her dad, I would’ve had a conversation with him the minute he returned from that locker room. Men have been fired for less. I can only imagine what he said and how he said it…it didn’t look good and was obviously wrong. And then they have the nerve to promote a video that challenges any other coaching staff in a game of 5 on 5. Hell, let CCoale sit it out. CParis can cover two! SCoale acts like her son is the next coming of Coach K with a pinch of Michael Jordan. His wife can probably beat him 2-3 games. And she was right about herself. Take the ball out. Matter-of-fact, just let CParis, AThomas and JStiles handle it.
I don’t expect anything to change as long as the current captain of the ship remains in the stern. But don’t expect any strong, athletic, high producing and nationally ranked sailors to join. Parents of student-athletes are not stupid and neither are the student-athletes. As long as the leadership is status quo…it stays the same. They can hire Magic Johnson and Larry Bird as assistants…ain’t nobody trying to be a Sooner with the current head coach. She’s shown the nation/world who she is; actions and words. Shameful! Just my ongoing (past 13+ years) ever humble opinion of this program. Now…back to my early morning java!
PS…what kind of organization can become aware of one of their employees (let alone a head coach) making insensitive racial statements, allegedly having an affair with one of her staff members based on the comments of a former student-athlete’s PARENT, and run a program from the penthouse to the curb…and do nothing? Hmmmm…. Janet Jackson’s “Control” video should feature SCoale.