Our Team?


Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Guys after watching about 3/4 of the game I turned it off, I just couldn't watch anymore without getting upset and with my heart condition watching OU basketball is not good for me.

I think we have a few issues and it all starts with Coaching. Lon lost two very good coaches and hired two very mediocre one, one being his son. I'm not impressed with any of his hires so far, doesn't mean in the future they want improve but they are not doing anything to impress right now.

Why is Lattin on the floor? He can't rebound, can't shoot, can't hang onto the ball, he is an OK free throw shooter and does block a shot or two but other than that he has regressed since his freshman year.

Our team can't rebound, block out and hang onto the ball and this goes back to the coaches teaching positions.

Now the one topic that will get some of you upset and that is TY. He is a one man show. During the K State game he runs by the talking heads and said "I'm back", I have a problem with that, basketball is a team sport. If he had said "we are back" I would have been all in but "I'm back" show he thinks its about him.

Now last night he was feeding his teammates and they were not getting the job done. When you are 6'8" and bigger and you can't dunk the ball you need to have your butt on the bench, back to coaching.

This team will play themselves out of the tournament this Friday when Iowa State comes to town. A loss puts them into the NIT or will it? Last night just proved that OU has no business in the Big Dance. I honestly feel with TY moving on maybe next year will be better if not then OU needs to start looking for a coach who can teach defense, rebounding, ball handing and how to play a position. Lon deserves one more year and if he can't get it done he needs to retire.

Just an old man's thoughts to a very disappointing year.:OUbball-logo:
All greats have egos.. that being said, what you're reporting he said, if true is gay, first off and i don't like it, but Trae has never not looked to make a pass when someone was open and never once taken a totally inexcusable and indefensible selfish shot (yes he's forced some and yes some were too far out but they've never been ridiculous)

He may have any ego but he tries to play team ball and win. Could he be managed better? Probably. But Kruger has really shown his worth this year...
I know this is going to be unpopular but I'm going to say it anyway. Because we are on the outside and not on the inside, we have no idea how good or bad the assistant coaches are or what quality job they've done. No idea whatsoever! You're entitled to believe that they're terrible, as most here do -- and maybe they are -- but none of us has the ability to say that with any degree of confidence.

Regardless, however, of whether they are good or bad -- or how bad they are -- Lon Kruger hired them and bears the responsibility for them. If there are coaching problems, that responsibility is on the head coach. The team's defense is horrible. I have no idea how well the assistants teach defense or prepare the team but even if they're awful, that responsibility is on Lon Kruger.
I know this is going to be unpopular but I'm going to say it anyway. Because we are on the outside and not on the inside, we have no idea how good or bad the assistant coaches are or what quality job they've done. No idea whatsoever! You're entitled to believe that they're terrible, as most here do -- and maybe they are -- but none of us has the ability to say that with any degree of confidence.

Regardless, however, of whether they are good or bad -- or how bad they are -- Lon Kruger hired them and bears the responsibility for them. If there are coaching problems, that responsibility is on the head coach. The team's defense is horrible. I have no idea how well the assistants teach defense or prepare the team but even if they're awful, that responsibility is on Lon Kruger.

Spot on. I don't care if its assistants, players, or whatever, its on Lon. I don't believe this assistant coaches excuse really. So we lose 2 and now we have gone full moron on the court for 2 months??