I sent a really tough e-mail to the athletic department about softball coverage when not even an article on the Arkansas double header appeared on Sooner Sports. Kenny Mossman took (quite rightly) umbrage and invited me to call him. My e-mail didnt get specific enough and painted with too broad a brush. BUT he is under the impression that there are not very many softball fans citing other coverage by Sooner Sports some time ago that didnt draw many watchers. My point was that that was then and this is now. Cover it and they will come(chicken and egg problem). We also disagreed that non-conference games are not covered by anybody. I replied that our team has earned the coverage and we would be ahead of the rest if we did. I didnt make any headway.
Someone else needs to take up the cudgel. They just dont know how many fans are our there(here).
Someone else needs to take up the cudgel. They just dont know how many fans are our there(here).