TINY Frustrated?


New member
Oct 26, 2009
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People are saying Tiny is frustrated?,,, I wonder why?...

Look what BBHOUND said... wow!!!!

the pic and roll has nothing to do with defending, rebounding, but almost every time he pics and rolls he beats his man and he is wide open, everyone that is watching can see it except OU's guards. Tiny is not trying to be Blake Griffin! It looks like Tiny is doing what every it takes to try to win, He has lost more games with this team than He has lost in his entire life!! If I was scared that my guards could not run the the best play in the history of basketball I would bring someone off the bench that can make simple pass that most 9th grade guards can make!! Talk about standing around, Tiny's is almost at 9 rebounds per game. I don't think someone standing around like a log can avg. 9 a game. If Tiny gets frustrated I can understand why, If you go back and look every game this year you will see that Tiny sets 5 or 6 pics per play. Looks like he has been waiting for 13 games for them to throw the ball to him, How long would wait before you get frustrated. Sure they have thrown to him a few times, but only a few times this year when he is open. When you pic and roll the ball should meet him at the same time. Tiny rolls and is wide open for a lay-up or a dunk, the guards either waits until the defense gets and then they throw the ball or they look the other way. The scouting report is easy to write against OU. Defend the outside shot and cut WW of from driven in because we know they are not going to pass the ball down low. I guess the team shooting 43% is a lot better than Tiny shooting 59% (maybe that is why they are losing games!!!)
If only he could stay out of foul trouble. He's very productive when he is in the game.
Of course he is frustrated! I would think just about everyone on the team is. The key is what to do with that energy, if Coach can channel it properly it can help otherwise implosion is going to happen. And I am not just talking about Tiny, I am talking about everyone. Everyone has to man up and take responsibility for themselves and try to help their teammates.
Of course he is frustrated! I would think just about everyone on the team is. The key is what to do with that energy, if Coach can channel it properly it can help otherwise implosion is going to happen. And I am not just talking about Tiny, I am talking about everyone. Everyone has to man up and take responsibility for themselves and try to help their teammates.

I agree p230, everyone needs to man up and play as a team
Tiny practices as hard as anyone outside of Cade. He busted his butt and lost all that weight and got into better shape. He is now learning how to play with his new body and I think that is why you see some hesitation when he catches the ball down low.
Several times I've seen him open after a pick and the man with the ball isn't even considering him and I've seen the angry look on his face.
Several times I've seen him open after a pick and the man with the ball isn't even considering him and I've seen the angry look on his face.

Maybe b/c Capel doesn't want our first offensive choice to be dumping the ball off to our big man somewhere between the top of the key and the FT line? Tiny isn't "that skilled" yet, as to make that a high choice on the offensive weapons list, I wouldn't imagine.
I'd like to see more offense go through Tiny in the post - if anything just because so much of our offense right now turns into a guarded three or one player trying to go one on one.

Tiny shown the ability to make strong moves in the post, but he gets so few opportunities, it's tough to become consistent. The guards need to do a better job making entry passes - they seem to lack confidence to even try right now.
Maybe b/c Capel doesn't want our first offensive choice to be dumping the ball off to our big man somewhere between the top of the key and the FT line? Tiny isn't "that skilled" yet, as to make that a high choice on the offensive weapons list, I wouldn't imagine.

SoonerfanTU, how long have you been following Tiny?. He is known for his offensive skills, Scouting Report" Can shoot the 3, Can shoot the 15FT jumper, Can put the ball on the floor, Great hands, quick feet, great outlet passes.(which we havent seen since he has been at OU)

What we need to do as a team is play team basketball (this includes Tiny), We have all the right pieces, we just have not utilized them. :chestram2:
It has nothing to do with first choice, it is called playing basketball. The pic and roll works!!!!!!!. When they start getting the ball down low they will find that the defense will adjust and they will have wide open shots outside. You say that Tiny is not that skilled yet, well he is shooting 59% from the field. The offense that they are running is not working. A good coach will adjust, The numbers don't lie. Teams that play by the numbers wins and the teams that don't loses!!!!
It has nothing to do with first choice, it is called playing basketball. The pic and roll works!!!!!!!. When they start getting the ball down low they will find that the defense will adjust and they will have wide open shots outside. You say that Tiny is not that skilled yet, well he is shooting 59% from the field. The offense that they are running is not working. A good coach will adjust, The numbers don't lie. Teams that play by the numbers wins and the teams that don't loses!!!!

Tiny Gallon has noting to pout about. Nothing to finger point about. He's not doing what he should do to put OU in winning position. If he's worried about getting the ball and his numbers, then you know what, he should go pro. I hope he's taking this opportunity to learn the game of basketball, something he hasn't mastered.

BTW, your pick and roll arguement doesn't work. Alot of college coaches have stopped switching on the pick and started hedging. It's been very effective. In most offenses, the play that results in the score for most guys picking isn't the initial pick, but the post seal after the picker's second pick.;)
SoonerfanTU, how long have you been following Tiny?. He is known for his offensive skills, Scouting Report" Can shoot the 3, Can shoot the 15FT jumper, Can put the ball on the floor, Great hands, quick feet, great outlet passes.(which we havent seen since he has been at OU)

Based on what I've seen, in games, Tiny isn't as "skilled" in some of those areas as I think some people believe he is. I see the talent, but I don't want him putting the ball on the floor. The few times he has, I haven't seen anything that will succeed right now against Big 12 talent.

I have no problem with him shooting a few 3's, so long as he makes them. And he should be posting up.
WOW!! DM it does not look like you are a Tiny fan at all!! First I did not know Tiny was not pouting or pointing fingers at anyone!! I have not seen, read are heard Tiny say anything on or off the court! Have you?

I don’t think its Tiny worried about his numbers, I think that is why he does not get the ball as much as he should, because shooting 59% from the field if he gets more than 7 shots a game his scoring avg. might go up.

Everybody that has ever played basketball knows that you need to a inside game to go with an outside game to win. When I see our post players set picks and roll to the paint wide open and they don’t get the ball I know that they can’t win consistently.

BTW, John Stockton (17,645 Assists ) was at the game against Gonzaga. The main reason he and Carl Malone are two of the top 50 greatest players of all time is because of the pick and roll. Anyone that thinks that the pick and roll don’t work no mater if you are in Jr. High or the NBA needs to find a different sport to play.
WOW!! DM it does not look like you are a Tiny fan at all!! First I did not know Tiny was not pouting or pointing fingers at anyone!! I have not seen, read are heard Tiny say anything on or off the court! Have you?

I don’t think its Tiny worried about his numbers, I think that is why he does not get the ball as much as he should, because shooting 59% from the field if he gets more than 7 shots a game his scoring avg. might go up.

Everybody that has ever played basketball knows that you need to a inside game to go with an outside game to win. When I see our post players set picks and roll to the paint wide open and they don’t get the ball I know that they can’t win consistently.

BTW, John Stockton (17,645 Assists ) was at the game against Gonzaga. The main reason he and Carl Malone are two of the top 50 greatest players of all time is because of the pick and roll. Anyone that thinks that the pick and roll don’t work no mater if you are in Jr. High or the NBA needs to find a different sport to play.

I'm not a fan of missing practices and dogging it. I think Gallon is by far the most talented Sooner, but he needs to show it. He's starting to become the same malcontent WW is.