Trae Making Another Donation

My grandson plays rec league basketball in the Dallas area. I've been to a couple of facilities like this but they didn't have swimming pools. Good for Trae! He's helping all the kids in the Norman area.
It's really awful how Trae has been treated by many posters. He wasn't the reason the team faltered the 2nd half of his season at OU.
He carried that team as far as he could. Can't blame him for the shortcomings
of the rest of the team, possibly poor coaching or possible petty jealousy from
his teammates.
That team minus Trae might have won 6 or so games. He elevated the program with all the publicity he brought to OU.
Would you rather he had gone to KU or God forbid little brother, OSU and hit
40 every time he played against OU?
It's really awful how Trae has been treated by many posters. He wasn't the reason the team faltered the 2nd half of his season at OU.
He carried that team as far as he could. Can't blame him for the shortcomings
of the rest of the team, possibly poor coaching or possible petty jealousy from
his teammates.
That team minus Trae might have won 6 or so games. He elevated the program with all the publicity he brought to OU.
Would you rather he had gone to KU or God forbid little brother, OSU and hit
40 every time he played against OU?

i think everyone has some blame.
You are going to have chemistry issues when a high school kid calls himself the savior of the program before stepping on campus.
It seems the early success pushed these feelings back but they eventually came to light.
i think everyone has some blame.
You are going to have chemistry issues when a high school kid calls himself the savior of the program before stepping on campus.
It seems the early success pushed these feelings back but they eventually came to light.

I have only seen this quote from you. I've never read it nor heard anyone else refer to it. I'm not convinced that our players heard it from him or, if they did, that they couldn't put it behind them when Trae arrived and proved to be the talented player, hard worker and good teammate that he was (and is).

Chemistry issues will of course arise from time to time, but if they linger, that's on the players who won't move past them. One comment made months earlier should have been easily negated by all the dimes Trae dropped, giving them a shot at an easy basket. If it wasn't, I'll say again, that was on them.
long overdue for the city. but boy did the kids growing up in norman create some great memories at the north base.
I have only seen this quote from you. I've never read it nor heard anyone else refer to it. I'm not convinced that our players heard it from him or, if they did, that they couldn't put it behind them when Trae arrived and proved to be the talented player, hard worker and good teammate that he was (and is).

Chemistry issues will of course arise from time to time, but if they linger, that's on the players who won't move past them. One comment made months earlier should have been easily negated by all the dimes Trae dropped, giving them a shot at an easy basket. If it wasn't, I'll say again, that was on them.

I think it was in his interview right after committing
I think it was in his interview right after committing

I’d certainly like to see it if true. I certainly remember him talking about how he thought he could help the team a great deal, but I don’t recall him using the word savior or anything that over the top. If he did, it was a silly choice of words, but even that shouldn’t derail a season if his teammates are mature enough to understand that he was a young kid caught up in the moment.