Tyler Summitt has resigned from LA Tech

I honestly believe when you have young men or women in a position of
authority over people so close to their own age, it can be a recipe for disaster.
Answers? Well the situation exists and is going to continue, so I would have sessions with the coaches and the players, individually and as a team of players and the players and coaches, emphasizing that these situations occur and that they are not appropriate and would have them weekly with the young coaches. AND I know it happens with older coaches so maybe just have it with coaches period. You have players who are enamored of their coaches and then if coaches are young, believe it makes it more likely for them to fall for this.
Not saying players initiate. Just saying basically it is a difficult situation and I bet it happens more often than we know or did in the past before young women and women felt more empowered to speak out. And not even speak out against what was happening but actually talk about it to friends and from there, it will get out.

I hope he is able at some time to redeem himself and have a coaching career. I might think differently if I knew circumstances which put him in a worse light.
Oh wow!! DOES HE NOT KNOW ABOUT CONDOMS? I mean really. I am so sick of guys not using condoms and girls/women not demanding they be used.
There is pregnancy and there is disease. I remember in my late 20's and early 30's that herpes was a big deal and I had women friends who contracted it.
It is nothing to joke around about. It is not like it gets cured, well to my knowledge.

This is just a bad and sad situation for all concerned and some really immature and stupid behavior by Tyler to say the least.
Inexcusable for a head coach or assistant. Student manager, yeah maybe. Grad assistant - possibly. But a head coach is in a position of great responsibility - for the team and the university. He won't coach for a long time.
From what I understand, the player was with him at Marquette and when he went to La Tech, she followed him. She was a senior this past season. Apparently the relationship started at Marquette.
He looks like he is in high school. He won't be coaching women's sports again. I would think in the future he could only hope to move to the men's game.
A good possibility he would not have gotten the La Tech job if his name was not Summitt.
He looks like he is in high school. He won't be coaching women's sports again. I would think in the future he could only hope to move to the men's game.

That's what I was thinking. MAYBE WNBA after some time has passed. But he needs some experience from somewhere, so for his first opportunity back at coaching, like you said would to be to the men's game. (not meaning to imply that you said anything about a future in the WNBA)
A good possibility he would not have gotten the La Tech job if his name was not Summitt.

It certainly would have gotten him a look but I would think how well he did at Marquette would have been a factor. His interviews and knowledge of the game. La Tech had a storied program at one time and after Teresa Weatherspoon did not revive the program, I would think they would have been looking for more than just a name. I mean the name can help with recruits but you still have to coach. Also, maybe the fact that Mickie DeMoss, a long time assistant for Pat Summit, came as his assistant made a difference.
He and DeMoss may havr been a package deal when they hired him. That has always been my thinking.

The player in question posted a photo to prove the rumors of her being pregnant are not true.

Ashley Santos posted the photo. The player in question was Brooke Pumroy. Pumroy was the player Summitt was accused of showing favoritism toward. During the season Pumroy announced she would forgo her final year of eligibility. And now she can't be reached for comment.

Tyler Summitt's favoritism divided Louisiana Tech team, say parents