Watching the web cast on iPad?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
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Does anyone know what i need to do? The ou site says I need the most resent version of flash player but apple does not use that. On an apple you just update safari and/or you os but I am clueless on the iPad.

Any help, particularly immediate help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you are out of luck. Talk Steve Jobs into supporting flash or hope eveyone including OU goes to HTML5.
It is not an apple issue. I am at my office watching on the Mac side of my computer. I think I just need to sync my Ipad so it updates.
It is not an apple issue. I am at my office watching on the Mac side of my computer. I think I just need to sync my Ipad so it updates.

It's definitely an Apple issue. iOS devices can't play Flash content. Actually...Apple (aka Steve Jobs) couldn't care less about whether or not you have full access to rich media on the web. So technically it's your (the mobile iDevice user's) issue.
This is a very widely publicized issue with Apple. As stated above, Jobs has made the executive decision to ban the flash player from the iPad. It can work with apple devices, it is just a corporate decision for them to not allow it on the iPad. You will probably notice this on a lot of websites. The companies made progress earlier this year when jobs decided to let apple introduce development tools that will utilize adobe technology. We'll see if we ever get flash, not likely though. Frustrating, because it prevents you from watching on soonersports and espn3.