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  • Happy Thanksgiving, John! Hope you and yours have wonderful and safe holiday. Nick and his family are still here. They head back to N.C. tomorrow morning. Their visit has been much too short and we hate to see them go. Still, we're grateful for the time we were able to spend with them. We have much to be thankful for this year!

    Great win yesterday. I didn't like the way we played as a team in the first half. But it's nice to know we have the best player in college hoops who can step up his game when the chips are down. Cade was the difference from the perimeter. Hard to believe OSU fans actually thought Nick Sidorakis, who hasn't been a factor at all this year, was his equal coming out of high school. I knew better, because I saw them play.

    As a side note, we're now at 536 members and still growing. An amazing start for a new web site, which proves something we have known for sometime. OU basketball fans were hungry for a place they could call their own, where people actually care about our two programs. Too bad we could never get Brian and James to see that.

    Have a great day!

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