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  • Just in case you don't check your personal messages, I figured I would leave you a visitor's message.

    The reason I am contacting you is because I am looking for a particular OU highlight for a video project I am working on. I was looking through a thread about the best dunker in OU basketball history, and I came across a post which is of interest to me. I figured the easiest way to contact you would be to join this site and send you a message. Here is a brief summary of the project I am working on:

    For the past 3 years I have been developing a countdown of the top 50 NCAA dunks of all time. I have received help from people within the George Mason, SEMO, NC State, Seattle, Weber State, Lamar, UCLA, and Utah athletic departments (to name a few), not to mention various other unofficial game collectors and traders, so my collection of great dunks is pretty extensive. I am not doing this countdown for any organization, but rather for entertainment purposes. Anyways to get to the point, in your post you mentioned a dunk by Tony Martin vs Missouri from 1988. You also mentioned that it can be found in the 1988 highlight tape. By the sound of the dunk I am interested in including it in the countdown. Is there any chance I could get my hands on that highlight tape to cut the dunk from it? Please let me know if you can help me out. I would really appreciate it. My email is below if you find that easier.

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