30 minutes to tip - who and why?

Is the Ferrell Center kinda like the LNC? I see its from the 1980's... Is it also a non-basketball multipurpose arena? Or is it more basketball-centric?
The I guess OU is a piece of sh*t University because of the stuff that went on under Barry, right?

Such a dumb argument.

Yeah, let's hate on a LARGE group of people because of some bad things a SMALL group of people did.

Yes OU was a sh*t university for what they allowed & people despised OU for it.

The SMALL group of people tried to cover up a murder, said the victim paid his tuition by dealing drugs (Bliss paid it illegally), told players to lie to cops, told coaching staff to lie to cops, cops never filed charges against Bliss, hid positive drug tests, AD was told about this beforehand & did nothing.

That’s just the basketball part, now on to football. These SMALL group of individuals hid 52 accusations by 31 football players of sexual assault which got the head coach, 2 assistants, title 9 coordinator, university president, and AD to lose their jobs.

Also the women’s head basketball coach said to “knock them in the face” if someone said they wouldn’t send their daughter to Baylor.

This has all happened in the last 18 years. Jeez I wonder why people don’t like Baylor? It must be be because they won some football games.
The I guess OU is a piece of sh*t University because of the stuff that went on under Barry, right?

Such a dumb argument.

Yeah, let's hate on a LARGE group of people because of some bad things a SMALL group of people did.

Barry never covered up a murder did he?

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Wouldn't put it past him.

You obviously don’t know him then. His players weren’t murdering and raping on campus like Baylor. He is a true gentleman and much more ethical than he gets credit for. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t buy recruits (there’s a reason Eric Dickerson and earl campbell didn’t sign with ou).. Did he take care of his players after they became a part of the team and needed some money? Yes, absolutely. Did donors give hundred dollar handshakes? Yes, absolutely, but only after they became a part of the team. He is the same guy now that would give the shirt off his back to a stranger.
I'm sure you're BFFs with him.

Not BFF as he is about 50 years my senior, but I do know him on a personal level. I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with him and his family when I was growing up. I will leave it at that to avoid risking my anonymity.