A Few Thoughts ON OU/KSU


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Didn't get a chance to watch the game live, caught in on DVR. Here are a few of my opinions:

-Fitzgerald looked really good. He needs more minutes going against bigger bodies but I really like his jumper. He's showing a lot of promise.

-Tiny played one of his best games of the year. Finally showing the willingness to get the ball inside against smaller defenders and finish. Needs to work on maturity and being strong with the ball. Made some good passes and some really dumb passes, needs to cut down on the latter because turnovers that lead to easy baskets are just killers. Really liked his fire and his hustle though.

-Crocker didn't play a very good game. I think they are asking too much for him to guard a 4 on the inside and it's taking its toll on him on the offensive end.

-TMG played well, but sometimes he looks like our only offensive threat on the floor. He has the ball and the other four players are standing around watching him waiting for him to do something. The only explanation I can come up with is the other guys are just young and haven't figured out how to pay yet.

-Our defense against Clemente was just bad. We cannot allow a guy to drive to the basket and get layups whenever he wants. Our bigs needed to put him on the floor in the first half and give him something to think about. We're just soft inside. Can't really defend him bombing 3's from 25 feet, if he makes those you just shake your head and try to get out on him next time.

-There's really no doubt in my mind that Willie's coming back next year. His draft stock has fallen off the radar and he has a ton to prove next year. I don't think he's been right physically this entire year and he will want to come out next year and prove that his freshman year wasn't a fluke.
It doesnt matter if he gets drafted or not, he's not coming back. Capel will not allow it
And you know that how blankenship?