Anyone seen the rankings lately?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
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I am forever baffled by Kunstadt's rankings. I know the guy knows his stuff, I just don't get what his criteria is on these rankings. He had Perry Jones out of his top ten a few months back, and now he is up to #1 (where he should be, but what was the hold up?) He has had Cameron Clark and T.J. Taylor ranked #1 and #2 for as long as I've been checking the list (gotta be close to a year now), and he has dropped them down to #5 and #6 now. He's got Tony Mitchell at #2, and I know he has blown up but that seems like quite a jump for a guy that wasn't even in his top ten a couple months ago. He has Pressey #3 and Jordan Clarkson #4. I like both of those guys too, and I'm fine with them being ahead of T.J., but Cam? Its just weird to me.

Oh yeah, and he has Cobbins ranked #13, behind K.C. Ross-Miller, Daniel Alexander and Tobi Oyedeji. Seriously, what gives?

Please don't misunderstand me...I know it doesn't mean anything, I just don't get it. I asked what the deal was months ago when he had Perry Jones outside the top 10.
Cobbins at 13 is a crime. He's already talented and his upside is ridiculous.
Maybe he is ranking them based on high school skill level as opposed to "upside"? Have no idea really, but that could be part of the thought process...ranking based on what they are now as opposed to where they project to be?
That Cobbins ranking is horrid. I don't understand it at all.