Baylor vs Kentucky

Final 85-51, Baylor cruises to an easy win over a supposedly top 10 team.
ESPN has really been pumping up KY as a team going places this season. Based solely upon this (admittedly) atypical result, they still have a ways to go to stake any claim as one of the elite teams this season.

If you can't even come close to staying in the game against Baylor, you haven't reached that level.

Not even close.
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If Baylor keeps playing defense the way they did tonight, they are going to pound a lot of teams.
If Baylor keeps playing defense the way they did tonight, they are going to pound a lot of teams.

This. Getting beat by 30 by Baylor will happen to more than a few good teams this year. I'll just be glad when next year gets here and these games can return to a more level playing field.
Baylor is a beast team and will UConn many opponents with 30 pt wins.