Berry Tramel: Flying with the Sooners

Interesting. I cannot empathize with the money and flying notes. I'm sure the Jokelahoman pays his travel expenses. Even if they do not, that is nothing with his salary, and a write off at that.
Interesting. I cannot empathize with the money and flying notes. I'm sure the Jokelahoman pays his travel expenses. Even if they do not, that is nothing with his salary, and a write off at that.

Just because journalists are public figures does not mean they make huge salaries. Quite the opposite. A six-figure salary for a reporter is rare in any market, even rarer here.
interesting post--I tried to get on team plane and fly up but didn't make the cut. My wife and I had other reasons to fly to Spokane and are actually going up on Friday and returning on Monday. The airfare for both of us is under a grand and was able to get a room at Doubletree where team is staying. Hope to go to the game on Saturday.
Used to fly with the team quite a bit and convenience was always a major consideration with the team coming home shortly after the game, either the night of the game or early next day and the flights were always direct. Our travel time to Spokane is over five hours. It has always been pricey to fly with the team but during spring break tickets hard to come by and all transfers with buses provided by University so no necessity to rent a car, altho we usually did to get around location where we stayed.
Hope the team is able to grab two wins in Spokane and anything after is gravy.
Go Sooners