Bill Simmons picks Blake to be the next Mr. Kim Kardashian


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
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Good stuff:

Someone told me recently that the Kardashian girls picked NBA players for husbands because that's the best TV exposure. Think about it — if you date Lamar Odom, that's 41 home games plus nine or 10 playoff home games. No sport can compete with that. I think Kim goes back to basketball, only she goes local, and younger, and a little more famous. That's right, she goes with Blake Griffin. Instead of dunking over a car, he can dunk over Kim's ass. And it will be just as impressive.
Please tell me this is a joke!

BG can't possibly be dumb enough to be part of the Kardashian circus. There are lots of pretty girls out there, Blake. Pick wisely!
Blake on twitter, when someone mistook him for Humphries.

You know that "athlete(s)" was no mistake. LOL @ blakegriffin
What's sad is that millions of people actually follow the daily goings on of these pathetic jock sniffers.
I don't follow this type of news, but it sounds like a set-up to me to make some coin. Kris Humphries...smartest man in America or smartest man ever?