Blake Griffin Coming to an Intermural Field Near You?


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Blake Griffin: Coming to an intramural field near you?
Posted by Travis Haneyon November 1, 2011M at 3:58 pm CAMPUS CORNER — I don’t know if the gauntlet has been thrown down or anything, but there’s an informal challenge on the table now for bored NBA superstars with links to the OKC area.

The Thunder’s Kevin Durant saw fit to cruise up to Stillwater last night to play flag football. I saw his tweet yesterday afternoon, when he was in search of a pickup game. He found one. Have athleticism, will travel.

Durant had four touchdowns and intercepted three passes. He was excited. So were his new friends at OSU.

So … what say you, Blake Griffin? The former OU and current Clippers star has been around some (though he had a bum foot that kept him from Durant’s exhibition game last week). Interestingly, Griffin went to high school with George Overbey (@groverbey), who invited KD to play in Stillwater.

A couple of Sooners were wondering this afternoon when Griffin would join them for some flag ball in Norman.

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I play pickup football with other met majors on Friday Nights...he should stop by lol