And 38 minutes.
And your point is?
If you're saying that's too many, I couldn't agree more. Buddy is obviously a well conditioned athlete. But even guys like him will wear down eventually, until they may not be at their best by seasons end. Let's hope Lon can find a way to give him more rest in the next few games.
Buddy's minutes are fine. Before Monday, he was averaging 31.75 per game. After Monday, he's up to 33.5. OU will hit a stretch of games where he's not needed as much and his minutes will even out.
2 games a week .... it won't be a problem
Boulder, you may be right about Buddy. He's a gym rat, workout freak of nature with a high motor that never seems to run down too much.
That's not the case with everyone. We have seen players in the past who were so bruised, beat up and worn out when the post season rolls around, they simply didn't have much left in their tank.
Having said that, though, I trust LK and his staff to know what's best for every player on this team.