Buddy should stay another year because

He can put his name in as well as Isaiah. If either gets assurances they like then stay in. Otherwise pull your name come back.

He is Academic All Ibig XII. I don't think there is any hope necessary in his graduating if he returns. I bet he close already because he has spent summers in Norman.
....) He needs to come back because he is not NBA Material, at least not yet. He would get lost in the shuffle and play D League or Overseas! Graduate and be a Senior...... Also to help with depth, that is what this team is missing, along with a Rim Protector and a Slasher, and KILLER INSTINCT.
So he can join Sigma Alpha Epsilon and teach those guys how to get along with everyone #Buddylove
He needs to back... SO I can be wrong! ( I really hope I'm wrong)
Buddy should stay another year because he'll want to defend his conference championship.
If Sports Illustrated is to be believed, their recent article projected Buddy going only in the middle of the second round if he came out this year. No need to throw away at least a chance of having a banner senior year and a degree for that.
Buddy should stay so that he'll have the chance to pose for another picture with me this Christmas.

Because he hasn't had a chance to party it up with the red wig himself