Calipari strikes again


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Nov 26, 2008
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Well it looks like you can add Kentucky to the list of schools that Calipari has gotten into trouble with the NCAA.

N.C.A.A. Is Looking Into Former Kentucky Player
M.J. Masotti Jr./Reuters

Kentucky’s Eric Bledsoe, left, with Coach John Calipari during overtime of the Southeastern Conference championship game against Mississippi State. Kentucky won, 75-74.
Published: May 28, 2010

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Two years ago, Eric Bledsoe was a star point guard without the grades to meet the N.C.A.A.’s minimum standards and needing to find a new high school. He solved both problems by moving to A. H. Parker High School and now, after one season at the University of Kentucky, he is awaiting a lucrative payday in next month’s N.B.A. draft.

As a freshmen at Kentucky, Bledsoe averaged 11.3 points, 3.1 rebounds and 2.9 assists a game.
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Mark Almond/The Birmingham News

Maurice Ford coached Bledsoe when he attended A. H. Parker High School.

The dramatic changes in Bledsoe’s academic and athletic prospects have attracted the attention of the N.C.A.A., which has sent investigators to at least three places in Alabama to ask about him. The N.C.A.A. does not talk about its investigations so the scope of this one is not known.

But Bledsoe’s academic makeover and extra benefits he apparently received could be another blow to John Calipari, the celebrated coach at Kentucky who previously led teams at Massachusetts and Memphis that had their records and Final Four appearances expunged after rules violations were found under his watch.

Interviews with those connected with Bledsoe’s life in Birmingham revealed potential violations:

¶Brenda Axle, the landlord for the house where Bledsoe and his mother moved for his senior year of high school, said that Bledsoe’s high school coach paid her at least three months’ rent, or $1,200. By moving there, Bledsoe was eligible to play for Parker, which he led to the Alabama Class 5A title game. Maurice Ford, the coach, denied paying the money.

¶A copy of Bledsoe’s high school transcript from his first three years reveals that it would have taken an improbable academic makeover — a jump from about a 1.9 grade point average in core courses to just under a 2.5 during his senior year — for Bledsoe to achieve minimum N.C.A.A. standards to qualify for a scholarship.

¶A college coach who recruited Bledsoe said that Ford explicitly told his coaching staff that he needed a specific amount of money to let Bledsoe sign with that university. The coach, who did not want to be named out of fear of repercussions when recruiting in Birmingham, said Ford told him and his staff that he was asking for money because he was helping pay rent for Bledsoe and his mother. Ford denied this, saying, “I don’t prostitute my kids.”

He said he had done nothing wrong, adding: “I’m a poor black man. And when one black man tries to help another black man, there’s always something wrong.”

Calipari did not return a telephone call and text message seeking comment. A Kentucky spokesman said he was tending his ill mother.

That Bledsoe — a 6-foot-1, 190-pound point guard — is on the cusp of living out his N.B.A. dream would have been hard to envision in the spring of 2008. Bledsoe had lived an itinerant life for much of his high school years, often staying with friends or relatives, while his mother held jobs like working at an adult book store and doing custodial work at a hospital.

By the end of his junior year, Bledsoe had attracted a solid list of college suitors, but the question of where he would play his senior year lingered.

Most of Bledsoe’s teammates at Carol W. Hayes High School, which was closing at the end of the school year, were transferring to Woodlawn, another local public school. But Steve Ward, his former coach at Hayes, had concerns about Bledsoe’s shaky grades and directed him to a local private school, Central Park Christian, where Ward thought Bledsoe would receive the academic attention he needed.

Bledsoe met with Levan Parker, the headmaster and former basketball coach, showed him a transcript and picked up an application. The next day, though, Bledsoe’s mother, Maureen Reddick, called Central Park and said her son was going to attend school in California. Not long after, he enrolled at Parker.

Initially, the Alabama High School Athletic Association ruled Bledsoe was ineligible to play at Parker, based on its transfer rule, but in November 2008 it cleared him to play, said Steve Savarese, the executive director of the A.H.S.A.A.

The A.H.S.A.A., the Birmingham City Schools Athletic Department and Ward were all asked about Bledsoe by the N.C.A.A. assistant directors of enforcement Kristen Matha and Abigail Grantstein. They asked about everything from Bledsoe’s grades to his car to the circumstances surrounding his transfer, according to those who were interviewed by the enforcement officers.

“Definitely it was suspicious,” Ward said of the transfer. “He was in Woodlawn’s zone when Hayes shut down. His mom is bouncing around because she doesn’t have a steady job, so he moves to Parker’s zone. Of course I think it was a little suspicious.”

The state athletic association did not know who was paying rent for Bledsoe and his mother at the house on Center Street South. Axle, the landlord, said that Reddick signed a one-year lease for $400 a month. But she said she never received any money from Reddick or Bledsoe. She said that Ford paid her for the rent three or four times in cash, usually while Axle volunteered at Parker High School.

“I never paid his mom’s rent,” Ford said.

Under N.C.A.A. rules, it is not permissible for a high school student’s family to receive rent money from a public school coach. It would be considered an impermissible benefit.

Efforts to reach Bledsoe and Reddick were not successful.

When the rent payments stopped being made in early 2009, Axle said that she asked Ford about it on occasion and that he told her he would call Reddick.

Bledsoe and his mother abandoned the house in May 2009, and, according to Axle, left it in poor condition. She said she had to call an exterminator.

“It was horrible,” Axle said.

When Axle last saw Reddick in June, she asked her who was going to pay the $3,200 she owed in rent.

“She said Maurice should have paid me,” Axle said.

Ford repeatedly denied Axle’s assertion that he paid rent for Bledsoe and his mother.

“If I paid his rent and I paid my rent out of my teacher’s salary, what are my kids going to eat?” Ford asked. “I don’t love basketball that much.”

As Bledsoe was blossoming into an elite player, top basketball programs poured into Birmingham to try to get a copy of his transcript.

But Ford, who described Bledsoe’s academic performance from his five semesters at Hayes as “awful,” would not give it up because, he said, it was his policy not to distribute his players’ transcripts unless the player was about to go on an official visit, which requires a copy of the student’s high school transcript.

The New York Times reviewed a copy of Bledsoe’s transcript following his junior year. A veteran compliance officer with no ties to a university involved in Bledsoe’s recruitment said that while it was not impossible for someone with a record like Bledsoe’s to qualify for a college scholarship, the reality was that he would need “an extraordinary senior year academically” to qualify. The compliance officer spoke on condition that he was not identified because he was not authorized to speak about Bledsoe’s transcript.

Bledsoe’s grade point average in core courses — subjects like math and English that the N.C.A.A. requires —hovered around 1.9 after his junior year, and that included two unusually high grades — an 86 and an 80 — he received during his half-semester at Parker as a junior.

Bledsoe failed to receive a B in a core course at Hayes. He had one B from a summer school class at Woodlawn that replaced a failing grade in English before he attended Parker.

To meet the N.C.A.A.’s minimum requirements, he would have needed to receive mostly A’s at Parker. Ford said that Bledsoe’s sum ACT score was a 69, which meant he needed to jump from about a 1.9 to a 2.475 in core courses, according to the N.C.A.A.’s sliding eligibility scale.

Ford defended the high grades that Bledsoe received at Parker, both late in his junior year and during his senior year. He said that at Hayes the only care was that Bledsoe was eligible to play basketball. Ford said that his guidance and discipline in forcing Bledsoe to attend class and do his work saved Bledsoe’s basketball career.

He said if Hayes had not shut down, no one would have heard “anything about Eric Bledsoe again because he would have never made it. Never made it. Everything happened for a reason. He was sent to me for a reason.”

Ford boasted about his academic track record with basketball players and said Bledsoe had told him that he could just show up in classes at Hayes, not do work and still receive D’s. But Doretta Harris, a teacher at Parker who taught Bledsoe, said that Ford never cared about academics.

“Just winning,” Harris said. “That’s all.”

Harris said she taught Bledsoe in economics for nine weeks.

“He was a C student at best,” she said.

On the court, things could not have gone better for Bledsoe and Ford, a successful veteran coach who left Parker after their one season together to take over at J. O. Johnson High School in Huntsville, Ala.

But off the court at Parker, the 2008-9 season was a tumultuous one. During the school year, the principal, Joseph Martin, was reassigned to a middle school and later retired. There was an eligibility scandal with Parker’s girls basketball team and an audit later revealed missing money and merchandise involving Martin.

Martin said Bledsoe’s grade turnaround at Parker “isn’t hard to do anywhere in Birmingham, Ala., if you make somebody put their feet to the fire.”

“I’m not saying it wasn’t a challenge,” he said. “He knew what he had to do at Parker.”

Martin said he never saw Bledsoe’s final transcript and said his grades were not altered or inflated while he was principal.

Martin, in an interview outside his house, praised the teachers at Parker and said that if a student needed help, “he was going to be with one of these teachers over here who was going to get him what he needed.”

By all accounts around Birmingham, Bledsoe is a shy and polite young man. And while people here are rooting for him to be selected high in the draft, the question lingers about the path that he took to Kentucky.

“The kid couldn’t have been nicer,” said Parker, the Central Park Christian headmaster. “That’s his reputation, a polite and mannerly kid.

“But he’s clearly been used.”

College Basketball is sure looking good these days
Can't see from the article where Kentucky is implicated in wrongdoing. If anything, some high school coach paid some rent and may have manipulated courses so Bledsoe could qualify for college.
Can't see from the article where Kentucky is implicated in wrongdoing. If anything, some high school coach paid some rent and may have manipulated courses so Bledsoe could qualify for college.

Yeah, I hate Cal as much as the next guy but I don't see anything in that article to implicate him or Kentucky.
As dirty and big a business as college basketball has become I honestly feel the reason it's become that way is all the "outside influences". The agents, the shoe companies, the AAU programs and coaches, etc. It's almost like the NCAA coaches jobs are to suck up to them and play their games as much as the recruits. You either play or you don't win and get fired.
The only way this comes back on UK is if the NCAA can prove that Kentucky knew or should have known that Bledsoe received extra benefits, or had academic irregularties. The academic part will be next to impossible to prove, since Bledsoe made it through the NCAA clearing house.

College Basketball is sure looking good these days

Like I said in a previous thread I'm not sure I would group Kansas in there. They weren't cheating as far as recruiting or really anything. Kansas didn't gain anything. USC, OU, UK, and UConn have all been caught cheating.
Like I said in a previous thread I'm not sure I would group Kansas in there. They weren't cheating as far as recruiting or really anything. Kansas didn't gain anything. USC, OU, UK, and UConn have all been caught cheating.

The jury is still out on KU. Had the AAU coach who had provided many players to KU not been involved, I would agree with you. But the fact that he was involved makes it more suspicious.
The jury is still out on KU. Had the AAU coach who had provided many players to KU not been involved, I would agree with you. But the fact that he was involved makes it more suspicious.
On the KC radio this morning some new things regarding KU came up. I was driving to work but i think this was the jist of it:
Apparently the AD, Lou Perkins went to the police b/c he was being blackmailed. An ex employee was threatening to spill the beans regarding 15-35k in free work out equippment he got in exchange for giving 'primo' tickets to the owner of the equip place. The guy also threatened to talk about players who failed drug tests and grades but still played.

Apparently an email indicates he did offer to pay at some point but the guy kept asking for more and he went to the police. This went on for a year before he went to the police so it doesn't seem like there is complete innocence (just conjecture on my part).

The part about the players open an entirely different can of worms in the KU 'scandal'.
All of the BIG named programs cheat! They should just pay the student athlete and deduct the school, board, books, ect... fees from the pay.
The jury is still out on KU. Had the AAU coach who had provided many players to KU not been involved, I would agree with you. But the fact that he was involved makes it more suspicious.

I wouldn't really call Roger Morningstar an AAU coach. He coached some while Brady was playing and I believe that's about it. LJ Goolsby is the coach of KC Pump and Run and has been for some time. And really the only KC Pump & Run kids I can remember KU getting are Brady, Tyrel Reed and Travis Releford who all grew up in Kansas and loving KU. They were pretty much no brainers. Fact of the matter is Mizzou gets the most of the KC Pump & Run kids. I think they'll have 5 on their roster next year.
If Roger Morningstar was involved in the ticket scandal it was because he was a basketball alum and knew people in the ticket office to make the connections. Dude should be banned from ever setting foot at a KU athletic event if so.
I wouldn't really call Roger Morningstar an AAU coach. He coached some while Brady was playing and I believe that's about it. LJ Goolsby is the coach of KC Pump and Run and has been for some time. And really the only KC Pump & Run kids I can remember KU getting are Brady, Tyrel Reed and Travis Releford who all grew up in Kansas and loving KU. They were pretty much no brainers. Fact of the matter is Mizzou gets the most of the KC Pump & Run kids. I think they'll have 5 on their roster next year.
If Roger Morningstar was involved in the ticket scandal it was because he was a basketball alum and knew people in the ticket office to make the connections. Dude should be banned from ever setting foot at a KU athletic event if so.

I was talking about the Pump AAU scumbags. If I were the NCAA, I would be curious about everyone that had played for those guys and where they ended up playing college ball.
I wouldn't really call Roger Morningstar an AAU coach. He coached some while Brady was playing and I believe that's about it. LJ Goolsby is the coach of KC Pump and Run and has been for some time. And really the only KC Pump & Run kids I can remember KU getting are Brady, Tyrel Reed and Travis Releford who all grew up in Kansas and loving KU. They were pretty much no brainers. Fact of the matter is Mizzou gets the most of the KC Pump & Run kids. I think they'll have 5 on their roster next year.
If Roger Morningstar was involved in the ticket scandal it was because he was a basketball alum and knew people in the ticket office to make the connections. Dude should be banned from ever setting foot at a KU athletic event if so.

Of course, this ignores the fact that the Pump brothers aren't just involved with the KC AAU team. They are associated with several across the nation, including one coached by Ronnie Chalmers, later to be employed by kansas (for the three years when his son and Pump brothers AAU alumni played for kansas).

Gooslby actually came out and said the Pumps are barely involved with the KC program, and also said they get all their funds from Adidas. I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary going on with that program or those few recruits who ended up at kansas (like you said, they were kids for whom kansas was the obvious choice). But it's not the local guys that are drawing the suspicion, as I'm sure you know.
I was talking about the Pump AAU scumbags. If I were the NCAA, I would be curious about everyone that had played for those guys and where they ended up playing college ball.

But that's just it the Pump's have teams all over the country from California, to Utah, to Kansas to Minnesota and so forth. But from what I understand the Pumps themselves aren't really involved in the's more like an affiliation/sponsor. They also host golf tournaments and charity events that a bunch of the coaches go to, they run a coaching search business that colleges call them when looking for a coach, etc. They are everywhere in college hoops.
Of course, this ignores the fact that the Pump brothers aren't just involved with the KC AAU team. They are associated with several across the nation, including one coached by Ronnie Chalmers, later to be employed by kansas (for the three years when his son and Pump brothers AAU alumni played for kansas).
Gooslby actually came out and said the Pumps are barely involved with the KC program, and also said they get all their funds from Adidas. I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary going on with that program or those few recruits who ended up at kansas (like you said, they were kids for whom kansas was the obvious choice). But it's not the local guys that are drawing the suspicion, as I'm sure you know.

Who's drawing the suspicion then? Cuz I'm not hearing of any suspicion other than from Mizzou and KSU fans. LOL.

Like you said the Pumps have tons of AAU teams all across the nation and KU got 7 guys that played for their teams over a 10 year span or whatever. And 3 of those kids were Kansas kids at that. And Padgett and Wilkes came to KU back when Roy was coaching and I've never heard of an association with the Pumps and Roy. And they transferred when Roy left so it sounds like their allegiance was to him. You say it's not the local guys that are drawing the suspicion when in reality nobody is drawing any suspicion. KU has been landing kids from all over the country forever.

Like you said Pump teams have sent kids all over the country. In fact, I think UCLA has gotten a lot of the premier kids like Jordan Farmar. And Mizzou has 5 on their roster for next year. Pump Alumni are all over the country and is probably the biggest AAU franchise there is.
Sounds like to me Morningstars dad and the 3-4 people in the ticket department was trying to make a buck not create some pipeline to KU.
If it was the pipeline sucked other than Mario and I thought KU got him cuz they hired his dad.
But that's just it the Pump's have teams all over the country from California, to Utah, to Kansas to Minnesota and so forth. But from what I understand the Pumps themselves aren't really involved in the's more like an affiliation/sponsor. They also host golf tournaments and charity events that a bunch of the coaches go to, they run a coaching search business that colleges call them when looking for a coach, etc. They are everywhere in college hoops.

If they were involved in embezzling money from KU, they probably had similar schemes at other schools.
I don't believe it was an MU or ksu fan who first pointed out that the Pumps were heavily involved in this and they happen to sponsor the AAU teams of at least nine current or recent kansas players... unless Jason King has new allegiances. If connections to multiple recruits in what's near a $1,000,000 fiasco doesn't raise eyebrows just a bit, you're blind.

MU has four scholarship players from the KC Pump n Run.

There have been more than 3-4 people in the ticket department to already lose their jobs/resign... so I'd say it goes beyond that.
I don't believe it was an MU or ksu fan who first pointed out that the Pumps were heavily involved in this and they happen to sponsor the AAU teams of at least nine current or recent kansas players... unless Jason King has new allegiances.

So exactly what allegations have been made about the KU basketball or football teams? None. No it's just Mizzou and KSU fans trying to tie together some elaborate recruiting scandal.
Here's the link to the story by Jason King and others.

The convicted felon that is getting ready to go to jail who is spilling the beans in great detail on the ticket scalping scandal doesn't even mention KU's sports teams.

MU has four scholarship players from the KC Pump n Run.
And teams all over the country have Pump & Run kids. It's not like KU has had a bunch or even that good of ones. Like you said 3 of the 8 were Reed, Morningstar and Releford who are Kansas kids that were always felt as locks to KU. Withey signed with Arizona out of high school so don't know why he was even brought up.

There have been more than 3-4 people in the ticket department to already lose their jobs/resign... so I'd say it goes beyond that.
Why? These individuals embezzled over a million really think it has to go past that into illegal recruiting? A million bucks isn't enough. You think these individuals had some allegiance to make KU basketball recruiting better? 3 of them were OU grads I was told. They were looking to get rich. That's why the FBI is involved. Again, there hasn't been any allegations against KU's sports teams or even talk of it other than from Mizzou and KSU fans. But that's expected. Can't beat us on the court. :ez-laugh:
If they were involved in embezzling money from KU, they probably had similar schemes at other schools.

Absolutely, but the Pumps aren't the only ones doing this. In fact the Freeman guy spilling the beans said he thought they were getting tickets from other Big 12 ticket managers as well. That was in 2002. Then in 2003 other schools ticket managers got involved in the selling of NCAA tourney tickets. The report also says that the Blubaughs did/saw this happen at OU and when they came to KU talked about and did it at KU.
I think it probably happens all over and in some fashion. Just another black eye for college athletics.
Absolutely, but the Pumps aren't the only ones doing this. In fact the Freeman guy spilling the beans said he thought they were getting tickets from other Big 12 ticket managers as well. That was in 2002. Then in 2003 other schools ticket managers got involved in the selling of NCAA tourney tickets. The report also says that the Blubaughs did/saw this happen at OU and when they came to KU talked about and did it at KU.
I think it probably happens all over and in some fashion. Just another black eye for college athletics.

Hey, if other schools do it, KU is just one of many. Nothing to see here...