Cam Clark to play summer ball with Clippers


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
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@AlexKennedyNBA: Cameron Clark will be playing with the Los Angeles Clippers' summer league team, according to source.

Maybe Blake can get him a job/spot in D-League
Good for him. Maybe he will impress someone and get a shot or at least a shot in the D league.
If you were an aspiring professional basketball player would you rather play in the D League for say 60,000 per year (not sure what they typically make) or play in Spain for $300,000 per year.

For discussions sake lets say that you just graduated college, got invited to summer camp, played well in the summer league, had NBA teams telling you they like you, but you still don't make a roster? What would you do? Tough decision if you ask me, but I would probably go to Europe.
If you were an aspiring professional basketball player would you rather play in the D League for say 60,000 per year (not sure what they typically make) or play in Spain for $300,000 per year.

For discussions sake lets say that you just graduated college, got invited to summer camp, played well in the summer league, had NBA teams telling you they like you, but you still don't make a roster? What would you do? Tough decision if you ask me, but I would probably go to Europe.

I'd go to Europe as well, but I also find appeal in being able to travel across Europe during downtime.

The Clippers have been decent to former Sooners in recent years with Blake, Willie, and now Cam.
Good luck to Cam. I will try to get out and see him in Vegas Summer league.
Cam is a guy whose game might (big might) be better suited to the NBA than college where the lane is always packed with people.

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If you were an aspiring professional basketball player would you rather play in the D League for say 60,000 per year (not sure what they typically make) or play in Spain for $300,000 per year.

For discussions sake lets say that you just graduated college, got invited to summer camp, played well in the summer league, had NBA teams telling you they like you, but you still don't make a roster? What would you do? Tough decision if you ask me, but I would probably go to Europe.

Well... if you're playing for a top European club in Spanish ball, or something like CSKA Moscow or Maccabi Tel Aviv, that's a different deal. Those leagues and teams wind up filthy with NBA scouts.

If you're playing D-League for a team that's thin at your position, and if your goal is a pride-based deal and you want to prove you're NBA talent, I would go D-League.

Jared Dudley got benched last year. Matt Barnes is 33. Reggie Bullock projects as a spot-shooting 2, and Danny Granger is a free agent. Not a bad idea for Cam.
If I was young and single, I would choose to see the world. Unless he is on he verge of the NBA now, he should go to Europe if he can get $300,000/year.

I hope he makes a nice living. He stuck with OU during a time of transition and never seemed to complain even when he came off the bench. Good kid.
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but joining Cam on the Clips summer team is Amath Mbyne, per his Facebook
Hmmmmm. I thought he just HAD to get to Europe???

Not necessarily to Europe, just to pro basketball. He wanted to get paid, to help his family. The fact that he was from France (I believe), had family in France (I believe), and probably could have made a French League team, was simply the perfect backup plan. That said, I think he'd prefer to attempt to make the NBA. Not sure if he'd stick around the D League or not, as he'd be leaving a lot of money on the table most likely.
Danny granger leaving offers a perfect
Spot for cam.
With everyone looking for that mythical "3 and D" guy, seems like Cam could find a spot if he can shoot well in workouts and Summer league games.

He shot 43% last year from the field, and he definitely has the size and athleticism to defend wing guys in the NBA. It's so ridiculously tough to get an NBA roster spot, but I don't think it's out of the question for Cam to get one if he performs well in the summer.