If Duke cared about this program, Gail G wouldn't have left whorn and its money. Nuff said.
As one of few hopes to dethrone (or at least tick off) UConn, they can be a contender.
See UConn above.
Too late to invite them to the Big 12?
This middle finger says "Why weren't you this good consistently back in the Big 12?"
Thank you Skylar Diggins for not shunning Tulsa Shock for China. The rest of Domer can go to hell.
This number isn't big enough. How about 112th?
Women's basketball: The only of the big 3 sports (FB, MBB, WBB) you'll ever have a nat'l title in... post-1939, I mean. Chant SEC to that! Traitors.
Well... fine. Gives us some room to move up.
Hey, Pac 12! You might have been expecting a good football program, but you got a basketball one instead! Awwww, why do you still have that "buyer's remorse" look on your face? Didn't you enjoy your 4/20 holiday?
Oh look, our early aught nemesissies. At least you can't beat us in football.
Gift of a Lifetime: Are you an OSU fan? Are you going to die sooner than doctors think? Your beloved school needs you to sign up for life insurance! ...I got nuthin. good for their womens program.