CJ Henry in high school...

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Right but you can say that about many a kid in high school. Then they get to college and it's a whole nother level. I think X will respond to Coach Self and become a better player. I don't see any reason to believe he will go the other way. Let's be honest the only negativity about X's game on the court at this time is because he's going to KU. His game is polished for a HS senior.

I don't think his game is that polished.

He is a nice shooter, but too many times this year he was streaky. He doesn't have a pull up game and doesn't have the elite burst to get to the rim. He will be a spot up shooter, anything else and he becomes a detriment to the offense because it is not what he does well.

Maybe in college he will play harder on defesne but if he guards the 2 spot, he doesn't have the foot speed to cover a guy like Willie Warren.

He is a man in high school, in college is much like everyone else athletically.

I am not saying he is a turd, but who is the last guy from PCO to go to college and be considered a guy that played hard or was "Coachable".
I don't think his game is that polished.

He is a nice shooter, but too many times this year he was streaky. He doesn't have a pull up game and doesn't have the elite burst to get to the rim. He will be a spot up shooter, anything else and he becomes a detriment to the offense because it is not what he does well.

Maybe in college he will play harder on defesne but if he guards the 2 spot, he doesn't have the foot speed to cover a guy like Willie Warren.

He is a man in high school, in college is much like everyone else athletically.

I am not saying he is a turd, but who is the last guy from PCO to go to college and be considered a guy that played hard or was "Coachable".

Bomar, who didn't you play in High School? Seems like you played against everybody over the last eight years.

The biggest problem for Henry will be the layoff. His conditioning looked horrible in Memphis practices. He's also behind the curve in things that PGs need to work on like cut dribbles, crossovers, floaters, and mid range pull ups.
Dirty haven't you been paying attention CJ is as good as Sherron Collins.
Bomar, who didn't you play in High School? Seems like you played against everybody over the last eight years.

The biggest problem for Henry will be the layoff. His conditioning looked horrible in Memphis practices. He's also behind the curve in things that PGs need to work on like cut dribbles, crossovers, floaters, and mid range pull ups.

Wait, hold on. Where did I post that I played against any of these guys.

Just because I am down on the floor doesn't mean I am a player. Think about it guys, I have been involved in games against a lot of Oklahoma players for the past 7 years. Not too hard to figure out what I do.
CJ was really good his freshman year, then kind of tapered off in the last three. When he knew he was going to play pro baseball, he got pretty big headed, and i think that it took away some of his focus. He was pretty good his senior year, and if he would have gone to KU right out of high school, i think he would have been a pretty good player, but after this many years of not playing competitively, i dont know how effective he will be. Anyone else remember how Obi lit him up in the state tourney for like 36, and hit the game winner on him? It still amazes me how burtchi only has 3 titles in the last 9 years when so many d-1 players have come out of PC during that time frame.
Wait, hold on. Where did I post that I played against any of these guys.

Just because I am down on the floor doesn't mean I am a player. Think about it guys, I have been involved in games against a lot of Oklahoma players for the past 7 years. Not too hard to figure out what I do.

Scoreboard keeper.
Saw him play a couple times in high school and I thought he was probably a Top 150 type with some potential. Seemed like a "Tulsa type" player. An Oklahoma kid who wasn't getting high-major offers, but goes to Tulsa and has a really nice career with OU and OSU fans thinking why didn't we offer this guy?

Have no clue on his game is now, but you've got to think it's going to be tough to find playing time. He's obviously not taking away PT from Taylor or Collins, and if Elijah Johnson is as good as what I've seen on film he'll be tough to keep off the court. And then you've got coaches' pets in Reed and Morningstar to fight off too.
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