Dallas Sooner Caravan - Capel comments


Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
I don't have direct quotes, but from a fan recap at SoonerScoop.com, I share the following:

Capel spoke first and spent some time talking about last year's accomplishments (30 game season, Naismith winner, "one concussion away from being ranked number one") and quite a bit of time about what a joy it had been to coach Blake. Very nice. He talked about going to NY in a couple of weeks to be there when Blake is drafted number one. He said Austin Johnson has signed a very nice contract to play overseas in Serbia (I think it was Serbia but maybe not). Omar Leary is trying to land something overseas. Taylor has had LOTS of tryouts for the NBA - he mentioned several teams besides the Thunder - and said he has VERY lucrative offers to play overseas. He said there is a chance Taylor will get drafted in the second round.

He talked about Tiny and Tommy and the other kids coming in for next year. He was definitely excited about the team and very proud of getting his third and fourth McDonald's all-americans on campus. Said Tiny's hands were fantastic. Also talked about the other players. Said Pledger was maybe the best shooter he had EVER seen - including his time at Duke. You can tell he really likes this class.

How does that make you feel???
Said Pledger was maybe the best shooter he had EVER seen - including his time at Duke. You can tell he really likes this class.

How does that make you feel???

Said Pledger was maybe the best shooter he had EVER seen - including his time at Duke. You can tell he really likes this class.

So should we expect a Robert Allison, Kelly Newton, Cade Davis type of shooter?

Or will he crack the lineup pretty quick?
So should we expect a Robert Allison, Kelly Newton, Cade Davis type of shooter?

Or will he crack the lineup pretty quick?

Cade Davis hasnt been a good shooter at OU, so I dont think he qualifies.

I would guess Eric Martin, Kelley Newton, or Mike Neal. I bet Mike Neal teaches him a thing or two about running around screens to get open. Mike was awesome at that. Shame he hurt his hand.
Said Pledger was maybe the best shooter he had EVER seen - including his time at Duke. You can tell he really likes this class.

Does that include Stephan Curry?
Cade Davis hasnt been a good shooter at OU, so I dont think he qualifies.

I would guess Eric Martin, Kelley Newton, or Mike Neal. I bet Mike Neal teaches him a thing or two about running around screens to get open. Mike was awesome at that. Shame he hurt his hand.

Cade was a very good outside shooter in high school but he has not had the same success in college.
It's going to be interesting to see who gets the most minutes off the bench out of Davis, Willis and Pledger.
How about none of those former players. Let's just wait and see. I think Steven will do very well when he has the opportunity this year. Then we can we can just judge Steven by his own accomplishments. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:clap
If Pledger can play good D, I think he will.

I don't see anyone getting more than Cade. He will have had two years in the system, doesn't turn the ball over, rebounds, and is a really good passer.

The battle imo is for the second guard off the bench, and I have been told by two people that Ray Willis is off to a great start in the pick-up games. It should be a good race.
Cade improved from his freshman to soph year. I expect him the do the same next year. If he keeps improving he will finish his career at OU with a lot less critics and a lot more fans than he has now.

Also, I hope Pledger is as good of a shooter as Kelly Newton. He was automatic.
I don't see anyone getting more than Cade. He will have had two years in the system, doesn't turn the ball over, rebounds, and is a really good passer.

The battle imo is for the second guard off the bench, and I have been told by two people that Ray Willis is off to a great start in the pick-up games. It should be a good race.

Any word on how Fitzgerald is looking? Or is he not here yet?
Maybe he means best shooter that he has played with or coached? I am sure Pledger is not the best shooter in the history of Earth.

He can't be as good as Gilstrap, right?

All I know is that Capel isn't one to throw out unwarranted praise at players. He hates using the word great, and really doesn't single too many guys out in the manner that he did with Pledger.

Maybe Pledger just shot the lights out when he came to Norman on his visit?

Let's just all hope that Steven is a lot further along on the defensive end than Willis was at this time last year.
Couple more tidbits from our friends at the RedDirtKings.com

- Willie Warren is growing — or trying to grow — an afro
- Capel said Taylor Griffin has a chance to go in the second round of the NBA Draft
- Keith Gallon has a 7-foor-4 wingspan at 6-9
- Tiny and Tommy Mason-Griffin are on campus working

I would do this if WW grew an afro:
