I didn't say it. Magic Johnson did...
"In fact, you can’t put together a winning game plan, in business or sports, without performing this type of analysis of relevant strengths and weaknesses."
"Embrace the process of competition. Look to your competitor as a source of motivation and challenge yourself to go beyond their accomplishments."
"Great competitors practice. It’s sounds trivial but it’s true. By spending time developing your skill set, you increase your chances of winning at game time."
"In fact, you can’t put together a winning game plan, in business or sports, without performing this type of analysis of relevant strengths and weaknesses."
"Embrace the process of competition. Look to your competitor as a source of motivation and challenge yourself to go beyond their accomplishments."
"Great competitors practice. It’s sounds trivial but it’s true. By spending time developing your skill set, you increase your chances of winning at game time."