Dissect and overanalyze this Calvin Lamb quote

Even without the "originally posted by:" line I know who that quotes is from.
I guess thats why I see it my way so much. I have seen these things said of Capel many times, so I guess its something I have become used to.

Yeah, I think you get used to seeing it but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal for that individual kid. The point is that he may say that about a lot of coaches but saying he was wowed by the atmosphere isn't true about every place in terms of fan support and environment. So to say he was blown away by it and "had never seen anything like it" is a big deal.

Very well said Ms. Only thing I'd add is in that I agree he won't choose a school by the Late Night activities but many recruits (don't know what Doron's thinking is) will be swayed by what Late Night represents.
Which is a passionate fan base that eats, drinks and lives basketball. The 16,300 in the fieldhouse, the standing ovations, the people lined down the block hours before waiting to get in isn't window dressing. It's an every game night occurrence in Lawrence, Durham, Chapel Hill, etc.
Some kids that matters immensley like for Daniel Orton and some kids it's not that big a deal like Blake Griffin. Again, every kid is different.

And actually we've had a lot of chatter about Late Night the last few days but I think and keep hearing from recruits about how awesome and impressive the newly renovated facilities at KU are and how state of the art they are. Recruits seem to be talking a lot about that as much as Late Night.

does this mean KU fans have their own BB board? :D
Lots of them man, lots of them. I recommend these as the best:


I'm sure you've said it before, but it'd be hard to find. Why/How are you such a big OU fan? I really only religiously follow two teams in sports (OSU athletics and the Oakland A's), but I can't imagine actively rooting for another team.

I realize Kansas is #1 to you, but for me and a lot of other fans of schools, it's our favorite team and then everyone else is lumped into the who cares category.

I'd just be interested on your thoughts, or given a link where you explained before.

I lived many years of my life in Oklahoma. Had a lot of friends that liked OU. Just started following them because of it. I really admired the way Sampson got his kids to work hard and play hard. I know, hard to believe Sampson is why I became an OU fan but he was a big part of it. Too bad he changed. That pretty much sums it up.
Just always took a liking to them after KU in the Big 8/12. Was a big Ryan Minor fan too since he was from Hammon. Shon Alexander as well from Preston. Even though he never panned out at OU.
Judging from quotes, I don't know if Lamb's dad is Carl Henry or Tommie Griffin. I think he is somewhere in the middle. I spoke to a great dad, Dominique Raney's dad and I wish every dad was like him. He's making sure his son gets all the right info, but isn't trying to be the show. I like WW mom, who did only a few interviews, and her last was to let rivals know that her son is not committed to Baylor and she took his cell phone.

If Lamb were to choose KU, I wouldn't have sour grapes because for the most part they went about it the right way. I would just be interested to know what is going on into their thought process.
I'm sure you've said it before, but it'd be hard to find. Why/How are you such a big OU fan? I really only religiously follow two teams in sports (OSU athletics and the Oakland A's), but I can't imagine actively rooting for another team.

I realize Kansas is #1 to you, but for me and a lot of other fans of schools, it's our favorite team and then everyone else is lumped into the who cares category.

I'd just be interested on your thoughts, or given a link where you explained before.


I like lots of different teams, and dislike several others.

-Favorite Teams: OU, Tulsa

-Other teams I like: Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa State, Texas Tech, Oral Roberts, Missouri, Kansas State

-Teams I do not like: Oklahoma State, Texas, Kansas, Texas A&M
I like lots of different teams, and dislike several others.

-Favorite Teams: OU, Tulsa

-Other teams I like: Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa State, Texas Tech, Oral Roberts, Missouri, Kansas State

-Teams I do not like: Oklahoma State, Texas, Kansas, Texas A&M

I love your list of "like" teams, it is a hodge podge of mediocrity! :) Just kidding, it's weird how you can not like KU but still find a way to be civil to KU fans. Weird. ;)