Do You Believe in Fairy Tales?


Active member
Dec 15, 2014
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I'm a pretty positive and optimistic guy. I'm 38 years old and I think it's safe to say I've landed on the good side of the "luck chart" for the majority of those 38 years. A normal share of grumpiness and cynicism has crept into my makeup over the years-- but nothing out of the ordinary. Generally speaking I view the world through some pretty rose (or crimson or Thunder blue or burgundy and gold depending on the season) colored glasses.

But somewhere along the way, I did stop believing in fantasy and fairy tales. For the most part, things don't work out PERFECTLY. The good guys don't always win-- at least not always in the traditional way-- the Hollywood ending way. You may succeed, but may not realize it until farther down the road than you anticipated; that perfect ending you envision whenever you start something (anything) rarely comes to fruition-- even if winds up working out in the end.

And that is what is on the line for the Sooners and their fans tonight. They are one win away from fantasyland.

I realize that if we win tonight that there would still be two games to go, but with the exception of a handful of blue bloods, the Final Four is THE prize in college basketball. It legitimizes everything. It's a banner you point to forever. It's a feather in the cap no one ever takes away (unless you are Michigan). You get an entire week to be part of the center of the sports universe and your name/logo is printed for eternity on t-shirts, programs, etc.

OU is a really, really good basketball program and has been for upwards of 30 years. They are right there in that next tier of programs behind the all stars. OU has boasted great players, great coaches, great seasons, and great moments. Yet, over those 30+ years, they've only cracked the Final Four twice. A few other times they've reached their current spot and couldn't take the next step. The Elite 8 is a great accomplishment, and that banner looks pretty good too-- but there is a Grand Canyon divide between the accolades, memories, and history of making the Elite 8 as opposed to the Final Four.

Now, the fairy tale ending is 40 minutes away for what I consider to be the most important, if not the best, senior class in the history of Oklahoma basketball.

One guy from the Bahamas, another from outside NYC, and another from Bride Creek, OK. None of them five (or even four) star recruits. As a matter of fact, the top recruit from their class actually wind up transferring after his sophomore year. Buddy, Cousins, and Spangler arrived on campus on the heels of what was arguably the worst/most embarrassing period in the history of the program. As a fan, I just hoped this fairly underwhelming class on paper would allow Lon to help stabilize things. Maybe make the tourney a couple of times. Expectations were low.

Four years later (throw in Jordan Woodard, who is a junior but every bit as much of this core as the others) and I am stunned at what they've done and where they've taken the fans. The LNC came back to life the past two years. Behind the leadership of a truly remarkable coach, these core took the paddles to the program and fan base.

They've progressed in exactly the way you hope a program would....from a surprising 10 seed their freshmen year to heartbreak their sophomore year in the first round as a 5 seed to the Sweet 16 as a 3 seed junior year where they came up 4 points short against Michigan State. Each year they've won more, advanced farther, gotten closer. Individually they've grown and Buddy has emerged as one of the most electrifying and special players in Sooner history.

This isn't a group of coddled AAU upstarts who arrived an campus simply looking for a launching pad to the next level. They've started over 100 games together. They've experienced the disappointment of being upset in the tournament. They've experienced the heartbreak of losing in the final minute of the Sweet 16. They've celebrated buzzer beaters at the LNC and took part in one of the greatest games you will ever see in Lawrence. They were serenaded in OKC last week with the home fans sending them out with standing O. Buddy has captivated fans far and wide with not only his skills, but his personality. And if you find anyone who has a negative thing to say about Lon Kruger, that will be a first.

Quite simply, this group has epitomized everything you could ever want in a group of student athletes. Following their progress, taking joy in their successes, and anguishing in the defeats has been a thrill as a fan. To see them rewarded with a trip to the Final Four in their last run as a group would truly be a fairy tale ending. And that's what gives me pause. Because fairy tales aren't real.

But if one group can make you believe, it's this group. They are one win away from cutting down the nets and culminating four years of resurrection with a trip to the college basketball promised land. The grumpy, cynical part of me doesn't want to believe. But that part of me that this team has rekindled hopes they brought their scissors tonight.

Brother....that right there was a high quality post. What a great way to start the day of the biggest game in 7 years for our Sooners! Boomer!
Thank you for taking the time to write that up! I I'm hoping like heck they can pull this one out. Would be so special!

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lol, well, I'm generally (but working on it - thanks Dad ~) pessimistic in nature. Funny, folks are all kinds....

I do agree this is a special group...I really liked the '88 team as well. It'll be a battle and no one but the guys on the team have more invested. I believe they will give it everything they have. That is all we can ask for.

As most coaches say, at this point it takes skill, belief and a little but of "luck".

Top notch post. What time did you wake up this mornin?

Nice and early (I have a 7 year old, 4 year old, and one on the way so I gave up on sleep long ago), went for a run, and then to work.... I'll be leaving soon though and will be all set for tip.
If OU wins today they move into a tie for 13th all-time on Final Four appearances. Which to your point is the current litmus test for a successful program.

The fact that after today OU could be flirting with being considered a top 10 historical basketball program is pretty cool.
Solid post, OUSKINS! A birth in the Final Four would be special indeed. But if that "Fairy Tale" ending proves to be out of reach for this team, I will still look back on the season as one of the best in my long history as an OU basketball fan.

There are a number of reasons I feel that way, among them the joy I've had in watching a ragtag group of recruits none of the so-called blue bloods wanted, grow into one of the best teams in the country. Win or lose, nothing can rob me of the memories. A win will only add to the experience.
I rarely post, mostly a lurker, but that post was awesome!!

I'm so happy for the team, LK, and the fans. Hope we can get a victory tonight so we can continue this ride!!