ESPN's Chad Ford drops Willie to 31 in his projections


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ESPN's Chad Ford drops Willie to 31 in his projections with comments

He also says Willie has a "poor relationship with Jeff Capel". Interesting stuff.

Summary: Feb 23 Update: Oklahoma's Willie Warren continues to free-fall down the Big Board. He's currently struggling with a case of mono, though that's not why he continues to slide. As more details emerge about Warren and how difficult he's been this year, the more NBA teams are running away. It's one thing to have a bad season. But Warren's season has been catastrophic. Still, given his poor relationship with coach Jeff Capel, NBA scouts expect him to declare for this year's draft. When he does, teams are likely to warm up to him a bit. In a draft that's very weak on talent at the 1, Warren is one of the few players capable of playing that position in the pros.
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Re: ESPN's Chad Ford drops Willie to 31 in his projections with comments

I believe he will end up in the developmental league for about two or three years. WW has the talent but he has a whole lot to learn before he is anywhere close to playing at the NBA level. Sure he can make weird cuts and drives and make MJ type shots but he has absolutely ZERO of the intangibles that make a great NBA player.
My main desire is that he does declare for the draft and gets gone fast. He needs about two more years in college is what he needs but he won't think that.