Exiled Sampson admits mistakes, rues bad timing of offenses


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Nov 10, 2008
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Kelvin Sampson was mocked, ridiculed and later banished from the NCAA for five years.

Not for handing a bag of money to a recruit, academic fraud or even lying to the NCAA.

His sentence -- which was delivered about three years ago -- was for making illegal phone calls.

Sounds insane, doesn't it?

Sure, Sampson was a repeat offender who had committed the initial act while at Oklahoma and then did something similar at Indiana.

Just imagine if it happened now, in the world where agents and runners are running so rampant that some experts believe the answer might be to legally pay college athletes.

"There was a lot of cheating going on at the time, not just with phone calls," Sampson said. "Looking back, the NCAA had to set an example. But there are no excuses. I screwed up."

"That's how far it's swung since Kelvin left," said former Maryland coach Gary Williams, a friend of Sampson's. "I think a big part of Kelvin's situation was the timing because I was shocked just as much as everyone else how hard he got hit."

I asked one high-ranking member of the NCAA where the illegal phone calls violation currently stacks up.

"We don't even care about that anymore," they said. "We aren't even wasting our time and resources with it."

So much so that the rules, in fact, are likely to change this year. There will almost certainly be more communication permitted between coaches and recruits, potentially even unlimited calls, and the NCAA is also set to allow text messaging in the recruiting process.

"I think it's the right thing to do," Sampson said of the proposed legislation regarding phone calls. "These days kids dictate the calls and they choose whether to talk to you or not. It's good for coaches because it's hard to build relationships with kids."

"I'm glad the rule's going to change because it'll put a lot of coaches' minds at ease about the phone-call rules," he continued.

Sampson was hit with a five-year show-cause penalty from the NCAA, which basically means he can't coach in college basketball until 2013. He was also accused of providing false information to the NCAA, a claim he continues to deny.

"Initially, we didn't understand why it was at the level that it was," Sampson said of the punishment. "But at the end of the day, I have to take responsibility. I broke the rule. There's nobody else to blame."

On the surface, it all appears to have worked out just fine for Sampson, who was tossed a lifeline by San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich and general manager R.C. Buford days after being fired. After a few months in San Antonio, Sampson spent the past three years as an assistant with Scott Skiles in Milwaukee.

"I was still a little wounded when I got to Milwaukee," Sampson admitted. "But the people with the Bucks were my penicillin."

He recently interviewed for a pair of NBA head coaching jobs and recently hooked on as Kevin McHale's top assistant with the Houston Rockets.

While he has come to grips with what happened, the most difficult part of him being run out of Bloomington was being put on par -- perception-wise -- with some of his former colleagues who are doing far worse.

"People calling me a cheater is what hurt me," Sampson said. "I made mistakes, but I'm not a cheater."

He talks about the lack of McDonald's All-Americans he coached at Oklahoma and how he would have secured more high-profile players had he been truly cheating.

"Kelvin is a great coach," Williams said. "His kids always played hard and he got the most out of his players."

Let's face it. If Sampson truly wanted to cheat, he would have done what many of those in his profession do: Purchase another cell phone, one not in his name, to skirt the rules of the NCAA.

Sampson didn't do that.

It started in Oklahoma, where he and his staff made more than 500 impermissible calls over a five-year span. When he arrived at Indiana, there were restrictions: He couldn't call recruits, but they could call him. He was later caught for being involved in three-way calls.

"When I look back now, I think to myself about how careless and stupid I was," Sampson said. "I screwed up, it's my fault and I have to take responsibility."

Sampson's rapid ascension up the professional coaching ladder has come because he can coach and due to the fact that nobody cares about phone calls in the NBA.

And nowadays, with far more important concerns, no one cares in college basketball, either.

All right, the rehabilitation tour begins!
His past offenses are probably holding up a head coaching job in the NBA. Still, I think Kelvin came across positively in that article.
Interesting article because three years ago he seemed to be saying he didn't do anything wrong. Now he says he made mistakes about the telephone calls.
His past offenses are probably holding up a head coaching job in the NBA. Still, I think Kelvin came across positively in that article.

I don't know why the NBA would care about something like this.

All in all, I think Kelvin's a good coach and a good person. He made some poor decisions and it cost him. I think he'll eventually be a head coach in the NBA. I wish him the best of luck!

You will be welcome to coach at OU after Lon retires or he fails.


We all knew that phone calls weren't a big deal. Its the fact that he kept doing it, even after caught. Shows lack of character. He made a mistake and is now owning up to it.
WOuld love for Sampson to come back after Lon
We all knew that phone calls weren't a big deal. Its the fact that he kept doing it, even after caught. Shows lack of character. He made a mistake and is now owning up to it.
WOuld love for Sampson to come back after Lon

I dont think it will ever happen and I don't think Sampson or OU should do it. You can't go back, you can only go forward.
"We don't even care about that anymore," they said. "We aren't even wasting our time and resources with it."
I'm wouldn't be shocked if our current coach and our last coach were also doing the same thing. In the grand scheme of things phone calls just aren't that big a deal even. I honestly don't care that he kept doing it, because it doesn't matter.
I'm wouldn't be shocked if our current coach and our last coach were also doing the same thing. In the grand scheme of things phone calls just aren't that big a deal even. I honestly don't care that he kept doing it, because it doesn't matter.

I don't see how you could not care that he kept doing them. It was against the rules and he kept doing it even after caught. It shows a lack of character.
I don't see how you could not care that he kept doing them. It was against the rules and he kept doing it even after caught. It shows a lack of character.

Or civil disobedience in protest of an unjust rule...
Ask any criminal defense lawyer, it never ever ever helps to confess, admit, or tell the truth, or even talk to, the government or NCAA. If you do, you not only don't get credit for it, but because they have you by the proverbial "short hairs", you are left entirely to their mercy, and they don't have any.

Kelvin and OU got hammered because he openly and under oath expressly testified to exactly what he did and also that he knew what the rule was. He admited his violations without reservations. Thus he and OU were left to the mercy of the NCAA, and they didn't have any. His only defense, if you call it that -- and it isn't one, was that he didn't think the NcAA thought it was a big deal, particularly in comparision to actual cheating, e.g. money changing hands etc.

Whoever said they think kelvin has changed his tune from "i didn't do anything wrong, to I did and i'm sorry" is incorrect. Kelvin has just previously stated, and told the NCAA, he didn't think the rule violations were any big deal or any big deal to them. He was wrong.

Kelvin analogized the phone calls to just "outworking" others, and not cheating, and thought it was like teaching offensive linemen to hold and not get caught, e.g. a rule that could be intentionally violated and it not amount to cheating. Again, he was found to be wrong on that count.

I have always thought Kelvin was a good coach and a good guy. This being said, I was sort of ready to let someone else see what they could do. I never liked his offensive schemes. This being said, I would be OK with Kelvin still being at OU if that is how it worked out.
I don't see how you could not care that he kept doing them. It was against the rules and he kept doing it even after caught. It shows a lack of character.

Then I guess you think all coaches lack character, b/c I'd be willing to bet that 75% of college football and mens basketball coaches knowingly break similar-type rules.

It sounds like sour grapes if Kelvin says "everybody else was bending rules, so I started doing it to." But that is exactly what happened.
Then I guess you think all coaches lack character, b/c I'd be willing to bet that 75% of college football and mens basketball coaches knowingly break similar-type rules.

yep, that makes it right:facepalm
yep, that makes it right:facepalm

Doesn't make it right, but a good number of those who excoriate Sampson for his missteps look the other way plenty as regards some of our coaches. (I'm not saying this applies to you, SoonerBounce.)

Many of the OU fans most critical of Sampson dogged him long before the violations came to light, but the phone calls gave them a moral justification for the vitriol they'd already been spewing for years.

Kelvin's true failing, in the eyes of most members of the Anyone But Sampson club, was that he was not the second coming of Billy Tubbs. They cloaked their disdain for him in a dozen other complaints, including the NCAA violations, but, for most of those folks, Sampson's preferred style of play was his greatest sin.
Doesn't make it right, but a good number of those who excoriate Sampson for his missteps look the other way plenty as regards some of our coaches. (I'm not saying this applies to you, SoonerBounce.)

Many of the OU fans most critical of Sampson dogged him long before the violations came to light, but the phone calls gave them a moral justification for the vitriol they'd already been spewing for years.

Kelvin's true failing, in the eyes of most members of the Anyone But Sampson club, was that he was not the second coming of Billy Tubbs. They cloaked their disdain for him in a dozen other complaints, including the NCAA violations, but, for most of those folks, Sampson's preferred style of play was his greatest sin.

You're totally correct!
Doesn't make it right, but a good number of those who excoriate Sampson for his missteps look the other way plenty as regards some of our coaches. (I'm not saying this applies to you, SoonerBounce.)

Many of the OU fans most critical of Sampson dogged him long before the violations came to light, but the phone calls gave them a moral justification for the vitriol they'd already been spewing for years.

Kelvin's true failing, in the eyes of most members of the Anyone But Sampson club, was that he was not the second coming of Billy Tubbs. They cloaked their disdain for him in a dozen other complaints, including the NCAA violations, but, for most of those folks, Sampson's preferred style of play was his greatest sin.

There's definitely some truth to this.