Exiled Sampson admits mistakes, rues bad timing of offenses

I've long gotten past the "phone-gate" shenanigans, though I'm glad to see he owned up to his mistakes. The guy was a great coach who got the most out of his players. I think even his detractors would admit as much. I'm hoping he becomes an NBA head coach at some point...I'll definitely be rooting for him.

If there was a reason why Billy Tubbs might be held in slightly higher regard, I wouldn't say it was because of his style of play. Early in Kelvin's OU tenure, there were a lot of fans disenchanted with Kelvin's interviewing with other schools - including Texas. By the time OU won their first NCAA Tournament game, though, Kelvin had finally stopped going on job interviews - but many fans forever kept that sour taste in their mouth. It's too bad because they were never able to fully enjoy those 12 years that most of us look back on with fond memories.