Fitzgerald, Pledger may play in Bedlam >>> The Oklahoman

Seriously? A one game suspension? That's not sending a very strong message, in my opinion. I don't care how much running they have done in practice. These players live to play basketball, and they need to be punished so they remember exactly how painful it was to sit in street clothes and not play. We're not going to the NCAA Tournament. We don't have a season to save. Start building the program for next year by developing some character and let the rest of the team know this type of crap won't be tolerated. We've had enough crap go on with this team to last a lifetime.
I want to know why the head coach doesnt know how long their suspension is? Is he just seeing how he feels after a bowl of Frosted Flakes every day or something? You would think the punishment would be clear from the get-go.

Imagine getting suspended from school and the principal didnt tell you how long, and instead told you every day that you may or may not be allowed back the next day?
Seriously? A one game suspension? That's not sending a very strong message, in my opinion. I don't care how much running they have done in practice. These players live to play basketball, and they need to be punished so they remember exactly how painful it was to sit in street clothes and not play. We're not going to the NCAA Tournament. We don't have a season to save. Start building the program for next year by developing some character and let the rest of the team know this type of crap won't be tolerated. We've had enough crap go on with this team to last a lifetime.

Do you know exactly what happened?

Didn't think so. You know who does? Coach Capel. And I bet he made the best decision for all parties involved.

As for your last sentence, if it bothers you that much, perhaps you should follow another program. Kelvin is an assistant for the Bucks. Jennings is a fun guy to watch. They also have that tall Aussie.

In all seriousness, your posts have seemingly been nothing but spewed venom on this board for the last year. Its disappointing.
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I want to know why the head coach doesnt know how long their suspension is? Is he just seeing how he feels after a bowl of Frosted Flakes every day or something? You would think the punishment would be clear from the get-go.

Imagine getting suspended from school and the principal didnt tell you how long, and instead told you every day that you may or may not be allowed back the next day?
What's unclear about assessing the length of a punishment based on the sincerity of their apology and their behavior in dealing with the aftermath. Should a guy that says "coach, I just love to steal, who cares what you say" as opposed to being contrite and humble be punished the same? You can tell a lot about how serious the kid took the lesson in gauging how they respond.

It's not difficult, and has been done forever.

Josh Jarboe was kicked off the football team because of how he acted when Stoops called him on the rap video and other issues that were coming up.
I want to know why the head coach doesnt know how long their suspension is? Is he just seeing how he feels after a bowl of Frosted Flakes every day or something? You would think the punishment would be clear from the get-go.

Imagine getting suspended from school and the principal didnt tell you how long, and instead told you every day that you may or may not be allowed back the next day?

A couple of thoughts. I hate to break it to you but when a situation is handled internally, the public (including the media) may not be privy to all the information.

Also, ever heard of merit based length of punishment? Sometimes how long a person is punished depends on that person's attitude, level of remorse, understanding etc...
If the things I've heard about this deal are close to true, this is not something these guys would normally do, it is not something they'll do again and they have been contrite and completely embarrassed. I think it is time to move on.
A couple of thoughts. I hate to break it to you but when a situation is handled internally, the public (including the media) may not be privy to all the information.

Also, ever heard of merit based length of punishment? Sometimes how long a person is punished depends on that person's attitude, level of remorse, understanding etc...

I have heard of parents doing that, but I don't know that I have ever seen that type of punishment at this level. Normally the coach comes out and says "these guys will be suspended for X amount of games and will be running stairs until the suspension is over".
I have heard of parents doing that, but I don't know that I have ever seen that type of punishment at this level. Normally the coach comes out and says "these guys will be suspended for X amount of games and will be running stairs until the suspension is over".

Maybe at the pro level or if it determined by the law or the institution itself, but when something is being handled internally, then we may not know.
If Pledger plays Willie shouldn't, unless its close at the end like the Texas game
Do you know exactly what happened?

Didn't think so. You know who does? Coach Capel. And I bet he made the best decision for all parties involved.

As for your last sentence, if it bothers you that much, perhaps you should follow another program. Kelvin is an assistant for the Bucks. Jennings is a fun guy to watch. They also have that tall Aussie.

In all seriousness, your posts have seemingly been nothing but spewed venom on this board for the last year. Its disappointing.

Well, here's what I do know. They were stopped, the police were called, and they were issued a ticket for shoplifting. So, they either shoplifted or they didn't. Seems to me, judging from Coach Capel's comments, that they shoplifted. Nobody is denying they shoplifted. This doesn't seem to be complicated. The Aggies don't seem to think it's complicated. They're already organizing the "Five Finger Discount" chant. Can anyone blame them? I'm not sure how many more facts I need.

I actually understand that a lot of stuff happens behind closed doors in an athletic program. I just think a very clear message needs to be sent, because I think we've had an abnormally difficult year when it comes to players having little to no respect for authority figures or rules. How many players have had to be benched for not following team rules or disrespecting their coach? And it's not like we're having problems with the yahoo on the end of the bench who is mad about his playing time. We're having issues with darned near every player, sans Tony Crocker and Cade Davis. And it would be one thing if we were able to win with these issues, but as everyone can see, we're a massively underperforming basketball team that hasn't progressed much at all.

You say that my posts have been "nothing but spewed venom." My posts have been nothing but observations that an overwhelming number of fans probably share. I'm certain nothing I've posted is "venom." With all due respect, that's just ridiculous.

And you probably don't believe me, but even though I am frustrated, I still think Capel is the right man for the job, and I think he'll have this thing turned around next year. Or close to it. I do believe that he has a lot of learning to do as a basketball coach, but so do all young coaches. He can recruit talent, and surely he will have better luck managing the team next year. Some years are just bad. This is one of them.

And really, I think we should elevate the discourse a little more than telling people you disagree with or share a different viewpoint from to "go find a new a program."
If the things I've heard about this deal are close to true, this is not something these guys would normally do, it is not something they'll do again and they have been contrite and completely embarrassed. I think it is time to move on.

So they had a good reason, or better than normal reason to attempt to steal?

I obviously haven't gotten the entire story yet. But I will, some day. And I doubt my reaction is "oh, I understand."

One game is weak. Especially with the issues this team has already had. Especially with us not really in the running for a Tournament birth. This is the perfect time to lay down the law, and attempt to regain complete control of this team.

All IMO of course.
I wonder if it's possible for us to be in a worse mood.
It's amazing how people who know next to nothing about a situation think they know how it should be handled.

My daughter got in trouble at school once for writing on the wall of the school. Her Dad thought we should make her quit basketball as her punishment. She loved to play and idolized her coach, who was also the principal. I felt like that making her quit the team was the 'ultimate' punishment you could give her. What do you do if she does something worse later on? The punishment should fit the crime.

I came up with a punishment that wasn't as extreme but made a tremendous impression on her. I told her that in addition to any punishment she got at school, she had to write a letter of apology to her coach. She wrote three or four drafts before I was finally satisfied with the final product. (The first 2 or 3 weren't bad too, but I wanted her to spend a lot of time thinking about it.)

Once the letter was finished, I told her that she had to take it to her coaches office and read it out loud to him. And that I wanted him to call me and let me know that she had read him the letter.

He called me about 8:45 the next morning. He said she was crying and it was all he could do not to cry. "Please don't make her do anything like that again!"

She got the message and we didn't have to resort to the 'death penalty'.

Coach Capel knows these kids better than any of us. We don't know how they have reacted, how their parents have reacted or how their teammates have reacted. Any criticism of what he choses to do is simply a knee jerk reaction. Playing in front of the OSU students in this situation might be the perfect addition to any punishment they have already been given or will have to do (community service, etc).
I want to know why the head coach doesnt know how long their suspension is? Is he just seeing how he feels after a bowl of Frosted Flakes every day or something? You would think the punishment would be clear from the get-go.

Imagine getting suspended from school and the principal didnt tell you how long, and instead told you every day that you may or may not be allowed back the next day?

He wants to see their effort and attitude in practice today and Friday before he makes a decision. He likely gave that quote on Wednesday, possibly before practice.

I got suspended from a class in high school indefinitely. Apparently instead of thinking my accounting teacher was a b!tch, I whispered it. She got over in a week or two but the VP told me I was coming to his office until told otherwise. I don't really see the problem but I have probably been in a bit more trouble than most people.
So they had a good reason, or better than normal reason to attempt to steal?

I obviously haven't gotten the entire story yet. But I will, some day. And I doubt my reaction is "oh, I understand."

One game is weak. Especially with the issues this team has already had. Especially with us not really in the running for a Tournament birth. This is the perfect time to lay down the law, and attempt to regain complete control of this team.

All IMO of course.

They F'd up. Why is it so hard for you to understand. Nobody is saying they had a good reason to steal. They simply made a decision using a teenage mind. It went something like this:

I got no money, I want that, I won't get caught, it doesn't really hurt this store (its not like it is a person). A couple of really bad thoughts that allowed them to justify childish behavior. It is not a big deal. The Court is going to do absolutely nothing to these guys provided they don't get in more trouble. A judge will tell them how stupid they were, that they aren't children any more and that this will be on their record if they get in any trouble in the next __ years. They will pay a fine and serve out their deferred sentence. Most college kids break the law and a significant percentage get caught.
do you know exactly what happened?

Didn't think so. You know who does? Coach capel. And i bet he made the best decision for all parties involved.

As for your last sentence, if it bothers you that much, perhaps you should follow another program. Kelvin is an assistant for the bucks. Jennings is a fun guy to watch. They also have that tall aussie.

In all seriousness, your posts have seemingly been nothing but spewed venom on this board for the last year. Its disappointing.

exactly. Go away.
I would have no problems with them playing. I will trust Coach's judgment.
It's amazing how people who know next to nothing about a situation think they know how it should be handled.

My daughter got in trouble at school once for writing on the wall of the school. Her Dad thought we should make her quit basketball as her punishment. She loved to play and idolized her coach, who was also the principal. I felt like that making her quit the team was the 'ultimate' punishment you could give her. What do you do if she does something worse later on? The punishment should fit the crime.

I came up with a punishment that wasn't as extreme but made a tremendous impression on her. I told her that in addition to any punishment she got at school, she had to write a letter of apology to her coach. She wrote three or four drafts before I was finally satisfied with the final product. (The first 2 or 3 weren't bad too, but I wanted her to spend a lot of time thinking about it.)

Once the letter was finished, I told her that she had to take it to her coaches office and read it out loud to him. And that I wanted him to call me and let me know that she had read him the letter.

He called me about 8:45 the next morning. He said she was crying and it was all he could do not to cry. "Please don't make her do anything like that again!"

She got the message and we didn't have to resort to the 'death penalty'.

Coach Capel knows these kids better than any of us. We don't know how they have reacted, how their parents have reacted or how their teammates have reacted. Any criticism of what he choses to do is simply a knee jerk reaction. Playing in front of the OSU students in this situation might be the perfect addition to any punishment they have already been given or will have to do (community service, etc).
