Fitzgerald, Pledger may play in Bedlam >>> The Oklahoman

It's amazing how people who know next to nothing about a situation think they know how it should be handled.

My daughter got in trouble at school once for writing on the wall of the school. Her Dad thought we should make her quit basketball as her punishment. She loved to play and idolized her coach, who was also the principal. I felt like that making her quit the team was the 'ultimate' punishment you could give her. What do you do if she does something worse later on? The punishment should fit the crime.

I came up with a punishment that wasn't as extreme but made a tremendous impression on her. I told her that in addition to any punishment she got at school, she had to write a letter of apology to her coach. She wrote three or four drafts before I was finally satisfied with the final product. (The first 2 or 3 weren't bad too, but I wanted her to spend a lot of time thinking about it.)

Once the letter was finished, I told her that she had to take it to her coaches office and read it out loud to him. And that I wanted him to call me and let me know that she had read him the letter.

He called me about 8:45 the next morning. He said she was crying and it was all he could do not to cry. "Please don't make her do anything like that again!"

She got the message and we didn't have to resort to the 'death penalty'.

Coach Capel knows these kids better than any of us. We don't know how they have reacted, how their parents have reacted or how their teammates have reacted. Any criticism of what he choses to do is simply a knee jerk reaction. Playing in front of the OSU students in this situation might be the perfect addition to any punishment they have already been given or will have to do (community service, etc).


You are a good parent.

A good parent/custodian, such as yourself, which is what Jeff Capel is to these kids while they are playing on his team, is able to assess the situation and find the best punishment available. It's impossible to treat all wrongdoings with a broad stroke punishment. Sure, that happens at a lot of places a lot of the time, but it's not always the best route.

Capel knows these kids better than anybody on this board, therefore he knows the best punishment for them. The fact it was in the newspaper and they were suspended for the game on Tuesday is a pretty big punishment. Not to mention the fact it was on the bottom line of ESPN all night Monday during the KU-Texas game. I am sure the players and their parents are embarrassed just from that and the kids have probably received a good tongue lashing from their family, and deservedly so.

Neither kid has previously caused a problem on the team so why punish them for the wrongdoing's of the other team members? Punish them solely based on the merits of what they did.

If coach thinks a 1 game suspension is all they need, then it's fine by me. Would I have suspended them more if I were the coach? I can't say because I'm not in Coach Capel's shoes. But I trust he's doing what he thinks is best for the players and his team.
Capel knows these kids better than anybody on this board, therefore he knows the best punishment for them.

Capel also has a biased opinion, b/c I'm sure he'd rather have them available, then not. Not saying that is playing a role in this case, I don't know. But let's not act like Capel doesn't have anything to gain from them playing. The only people that would truly only have the kids' best interest at heart, would be their parents. And I'm guessing both sets would have suggested more than a one game suspension, had they been asked.
Capel also has a biased opinion, b/c I'm sure he'd rather have them available, then not. Not saying that is playing a role in this case, I don't know. But let's not act like Capel doesn't have anything to gain from them playing. The only people that would truly only have the kids' best interest at heart, would be their parents. And I'm guessing both sets would have suggested more than a one game suspension, had they been asked.

Everyone has a 'biased opinion' based on their own experiences, loyalties etc. Don't act like Coach Capel is the only one with a biased opinion.
It's amazing how people who know next to nothing about a situation think they know how it should be handled.

My daughter got in trouble at school once for writing on the wall of the school. Her Dad thought we should make her quit basketball as her punishment. She loved to play and idolized her coach, who was also the principal. I felt like that making her quit the team was the 'ultimate' punishment you could give her. What do you do if she does something worse later on? The punishment should fit the crime.

I came up with a punishment that wasn't as extreme but made a tremendous impression on her. I told her that in addition to any punishment she got at school, she had to write a letter of apology to her coach. She wrote three or four drafts before I was finally satisfied with the final product. (The first 2 or 3 weren't bad too, but I wanted her to spend a lot of time thinking about it.)

Once the letter was finished, I told her that she had to take it to her coaches office and read it out loud to him. And that I wanted him to call me and let me know that she had read him the letter.

He called me about 8:45 the next morning. He said she was crying and it was all he could do not to cry. "Please don't make her do anything like that again!"

She got the message and we didn't have to resort to the 'death penalty'.

Coach Capel knows these kids better than any of us. We don't know how they have reacted, how their parents have reacted or how their teammates have reacted. Any criticism of what he choses to do is simply a knee jerk reaction. Playing in front of the OSU students in this situation might be the perfect addition to any punishment they have already been given or will have to do (community service, etc).

That's one of the most impressive discipline stories I've ever heard. My hat is off to you and I'll remember that one for possible future use (daughter age 10, son age 7). Thanks for posting the story.
I'm glad I answer to God and not a bunch of Sooner fans on a message board. I would have been in hell a long time ago.
Is it really the coach's job to punish a player who does something outside basketball? they did something illegal, and the law is taking care of that. Where in the rulebook does it state what a coach's responsibilities are when his players get caught shoplifting?
Is it really the coach's job to punish a player who does something outside basketball? they did something illegal, and the law is taking care of that. Where in the rulebook does it state what a coach's responsibilities are when his players get caught shoplifting?

The university is paying for their education. So, it isn't just a legal issue it is also an issue for the university and its standards.
I would have kicked them off the team, but I'm not the one that had the responsibililty of making that decision. I like Jeff and if he disagrees and thinks he has punished them enough, what ever it was, so be it. I OK with that. He doesn't have to think like I do for me to like him as a coach. I don't think someone is an idiot because they don't agree with me.

I will say this, that if you aren't going to kick them off the team, then I say let them play and punish them in other ways. Not letting them play, punishes the other players, the university, the fans, and most importantly, me (I really want OU to win). And I know for a fact, I have never stolen anything -- ever, so I don't care to be punished.

My view is a harsh one and I will admit to that. I think as an educator and coach when something comes up like this you must first decide whether it is a disciplinary matter or a serious criminal matter. In either case, you need some accountability. This issue is how much.

I would have been much harsher on these kids than Capel has been. So, I'm glad I am not the one that had to make the decisions regarding these kids as accountability is as hard and painful on the person meteing it out as the one receiving the punishment. Second, I hope and pray Capel has been wise in this matter and that these kids learn, grow and improve from this incident.
So, the punishment they receive from the police, law, fines etc is not enough? Then there's the issue of being publicly embarassed because your stupid action is published all over the internet, on tv, and in the newspaper. You or I may do the exact same thing, and nobody would have to know except ourselves and those involved. But these two wont be able to live it down in their private lives and will have a hard time at away games too. The punishment they get for this will be more far reaching than what the judge will give them.
I would have kicked them off the team, but I'm not the one that had the responsibililty of making that decision. I like Jeff and if he disagrees and thinks he has punished them enough, what ever it was, so be it. I OK with that. He doesn't have to think like I do for me to like him as a coach. I don't think someone is an idiot because they don't agree with me.

I will say this, that if you aren't going to kick them off the team, then I say let them play and punish them in other ways. Not letting them play, punishes the other players, the university, the fans, and most importantly, me (I really want OU to win). And I know for a fact, I have never stolen anything -- ever, so I don't care to be punished.

My view is a harsh one and I will admit to that. I think as an educator and coach when something comes up like this you must first decide whether it is a disciplinary matter or a serious criminal matter. In either case, you need some accountability. This issue is how much.

I would have been much harsher on these kids than Capel has been. So, I'm glad I am not the one that had to make the decisions regarding these kids as accountability is as hard and painful on the person meteing it out as the one receiving the punishment. Second, I hope and pray Capel has been wise in this matter and that these kids learn, grow and improve from this incident.

I think it would be a good lesson to play in that game and get the chants they should get from the ag students.
I would have kicked them off the team, but I'm not the one that had the responsibililty of making that decision. I like Jeff and if he disagrees and thinks he has punished them enough, what ever it was, so be it. I OK with that. He doesn't have to think like I do for me to like him as a coach. I don't think someone is an idiot because they don't agree with me.

I will say this, that if you aren't going to kick them off the team, then I say let them play and punish them in other ways. Not letting them play, punishes the other players, the university, the fans, and most importantly, me (I really want OU to win). And I know for a fact, I have never stolen anything -- ever, so I don't care to be punished.

My view is a harsh one and I will admit to that. I think as an educator and coach when something comes up like this you must first decide whether it is a disciplinary matter or a serious criminal matter. In either case, you need some accountability. This issue is how much.

I would have been much harsher on these kids than Capel has been. So, I'm glad I am not the one that had to make the decisions regarding these kids as accountability is as hard and painful on the person meteing it out as the one receiving the punishment. Second, I hope and pray Capel has been wise in this matter and that these kids learn, grow and improve from this incident.
I agree with this sentiment. I think a little more harshness was justified.

I don't think someone is an idiot because they don't agree with me.
Yeah, I guess there are other options. But, one should be considered.

Main Entry: idiot
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: very stupid person
blockhead, bonehead, cretin, dimwit, dork, dumbbell, dunce, fool, ignoramus, imbecile, jerk, kook, moron, muttonhead, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, out to lunch, pinhead, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit
Notes: an idiot is a stupid person with a mental age below three years, while a moron is a stupid person with a mental age of between seven to twelve years