Operant conditioning while seemingly simple is really confusing. It took me years to really understand it.
This is actually the definition of negative punishment. Reinforcement/punishment refers to whether to you want to increase (reinforce) or decrease (punish) a behavior. Positive/negative refers to whether you are giving (positive) or taking something away (negative).
Negative punishment - Kruger decreases bad shot selection by taking away playing time from Booker.
Kruger does use positive reinforcement, however. For example:
Positive reinforcement - Kruger increases good shot selection by giving Booker more playing time.
Obviously, these two are the sides of the same coin. The key is to be consistent as a coach (don't give playing time for bad basketball, dont take away playing time for good basketball)-- which Kruger is.
^^I don't mean to be a jerk by providing this information. I was motivated because this actually confused me for a long time.