Gymnastics, women's


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
197.7875 Oklahoma
197.4750 Florida
197.3875 Alabama
197.3375 LSU
196.7250 Georgia
196.7000 UCLA

Finals tonight
441.200 Oklahoma
434.350 Stanford
433.400 Ohio State
432.050 Illinois
426.400 Minnesota
423.950 Penn State

Women leading after 1st rotation. 2nd rotation =bye. Final rotation for men. OU leads.
Women leading after 1st rotation. 2nd rotation =bye. Final rotation for men. OU leads.

That was a below-average performance for the women. They need to be steady on the remaining events. With average performances the rest of the night, they should win. But, it is no longer a walkover.
OU women have the lead with one rotation left: the floor exercise.

Florida must go to the bars.
LSU must go to the vault and floor.
Alabama must go to the bars and beam.

I think it is down to Alabama and OU. If we finish well on the floor, I think we have it. Bama must excel on the bars and beam. Florida needs for OU and Bama to falter.
148.1000 Oklahoma goes to floor
147.9875 Alabama goes to beam
147.9250 LSU goes to vault
147.9000 Florida goes to bars

Close. Final rotation decides it. OU does have the lead. OU must stumble a bit to lose.
Keep the updates coming, Syb. I don't get ESPNU, so appreciate you letting us know whether the ladies can join the men in hoisting the trophy!
I went to NCAA.COM and looked for the women's championship results.

What I'm seeing is this:

OU 197.6750
LSU 197.4500
BAMA 19743.75
FLA 197.3500

with UCLA and Georgia bringing up the rear. Is this the final results?
Those are the final results. The men won big. The women really came through on the final event and won rather big. A 0.225 margin is actually rather big in the finals. LSU did well in the vault to pass Alabama who had the beam at the end.

Haley Scaman posted the top score (tied, actually) in the floor exercise. They found out just as she took the floor that OU had just clinched the title. I don't think she knew that when she posted the best floor exercise score of the night.

There was more of a difference between first and second than between second and fourth. LSU, Bama, and Florida were within a tenth of a point.
Whats shocking is that Florida won the SEC. Then they finish behind LSU and Alabama.
Men's and women's championships. There is only ONE Oklahoma. This will be hard to duplicate in he future. What fine coaches we have!
We may do it again next year. Of the men's team, we lose only Oyama, Resnick, and Yee who, between them, accounted for nine of the twenty-nine marks. Eleven were contributed by freshmen, including the winner of the all-around.

With the women, we retain sixteen of the twenty-four marks, including ten of the twelve marks of 9.90 or better.

We could do it again.