Hausinger giving a loan and getting paid back is grounds for dismissal?


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Apr 1, 2009
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Please help me understand this. It was under $10k, so how is it illegal?

Everyone is saying great that Tiny got a loan and paid it back through his mom, but Hausinger was fired for it? Double talk perhaps? Or does someone here have more information?
I doubt Hausinger"s employers were envolved in this loan. Furthermore, I don't think they would give two poots in the wind where Tiny went to college, or whether or not he even went to school, but, like any large company, they do care about thier image. Although the company wasn't envolved, Hausinger's actions caused them to be mentioned in a less than favorable news story. Could it be that this caused a rise in the blood pressure of a boss? Just another speculation, which is all most of us have regarding this issue.
The way I have heard the story,Hausinger was fired before the TMZ report and Hausinger went to TMZ and broke the Tiny report as an act of spite and revenge against his former employer.
Actually, he was contacted first by TMZ, said, "I don't think I want to talk to you," hung up, and a few days after the story broke got fired. As I understand it, anyways. I could be wrong.
The way I have heard the story,Hausinger was fired before the TMZ report and Hausinger went to TMZ and broke the Tiny report as an act of spite and revenge against his former employer.

That's the way Tiny told the story. His report is innacurate, according to pretty much every source out there when you put together the timeline.
If Hausinger was doing under the table loans to athletes in need he was probably doing other unethical things to gain future clients that ML/BOA did not condone so they cut bait. Pretty simple.
Financial Services is an extremely publicity sensitive industry. I have not idea what Hausinger did, but even the appearance of inproriaty is enough to get you fired. Most financial services reps are contract employees, so they don't have to do something illegal/unethical to lose their contract