I have great disdain for Okie Lite basketball because


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Have at it. Bring out some good ones. It's Bedlam week!

- Because Roy Candley ate my pizza - my entire pizza - in one bite. He didn't ask for my permission.

- Because Eddie Sutton and his lab assistant Sean made a clone of this guy named Steven Graham. The clone (they called him "Joey") turned out superior at basketball than his cloned original.

- Because Eddie Sutton pee'd the word "Gooner" on my residential fence. Desmond Mason was the get away driver. They laughed uncontrollably (I heard Eddie pee'd himself a little more) while Mason honked the horn to sound like War's Low Rider as they sped out of my neighborhood in Eddie's white Ford explorer.

-Because my 78 year old grandfather was strapped down in Iba's chair after attending a bedlam game in Stillwater. He was tarred and feathered then forced to watch Biker Fox dance in osu mandex for several hours post game while pistol pete just stared at him from a distance of less than a foot - very uncomfortable i'm sure. He still has nightmares.
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I paid Brian Montonati $5000 for a guided tour of northern Italy and instead he just stuck me on a Greyhound and sent me to the Little Italy part of Krebs.
- Because I paid a hefty price to meet Adrian Peterson at an fundraiser auction in Broken Arrow (that should have been my first clue - stupid aggie town). Anyway, I showed up at OSU Medical school (which I thought was also odd). And some dude I didn't recognize comes up to me and is like "Hey I'm Adrian Peterson - want to go shoot some hoops in the parking lot". Certainly wasn't the AD that I thought I had paid to meet. SMH.


- Because Jason Keep convinced me that the word "Daddy" was spelled with only one d. Made me look foolish when I got a new tattoo.

- Because Marcus Smart is actually quite dumb - a misnomer for sure.
- Because Travis Ford's hair has not moved in over 8 months.

- Because Chris Ferguson is well over 40 and still executes the chest bump (gonna to break a rib if he is not careful).

- Because Greg Swaim took the cool out of wearing wind suits (I used to love wearing those things). Darn you SWAIM!!!

- Because Kirby (what an obnoxious name) Gardner had such a vulger twitter that was degrading towards women and African Americans and young Kelly Hines had to lay eyes on it. Glad she took that screenshot before crafter Kirby could delete it!
-Because Byron Houston made me blush at a red light.

-Because we were shooting free throws in my driveway with Doug Gottlieb, he missed and hit my dog.
Because the good Blake year? Yeah --- they ended our Big 12 tournament run that year. Remember? We were supposed to contend with KU for the conference tourney title and instead, Poke beats us in an early round. :mad:

Well, at least we got an Elite Eight out of that season.
Because Ford was in the movie The 6th Man.
Because every time I go to my local drug store or supermarket to buy hair gel for my tame and professional hair do, they are always sold out and the manger informs me Tyler Hatch has just been in.
-Philip Jurrick's colored tattoos

- Because that "Ray Penn is not okay" sign I made got taken away

- Because Bahh still means NO
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Aren't they the ones that ratted us out for Kelvin's calling? Bastards.
Because Saint Eddie and Ratty were the ones that turned in Kelvin for text messages. Go review the NCAA transcript. Love or hate Kelvin, those two clowns tried to ruin our program.
I loved it when Obi Muenelo was being recruited and he talked about how awesome it was to have a legend like Eddie Sutton sitting in his living room.

Eddie was banned from off campus recruting at the time, lol.
In all seriousness:


And that really pisses me off because even some OU fans believe that OSU leads the series, not the truth that OU is up by 34 games.