Idea for Season Kickoff Event


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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This issue was brought up deep into another thread and I think deserves its own thread and discussion. I talked with different people for thirty years about this.

Here's my take and opinion:

First, I think the event needs to be in the field house with advance tickets sold.
Second, it needs to be an actual game with officials.
Third, it needs to be after a week or two of practice.
Fourth, it needs to be a game against former OU players and special guests.

When I say special guests, it shouldn't be announced. But, maybe Capel can use his contacts to get a famous retired pro or two to come in and play. This would be fun for the players and I, for one, would love to watch it.

Fifth, it needs to be on a football game day and prior to the game.

And finally, tickets can only be purchased on an online silent auction basis, with the auction to end at a certain day and time a week or so out. All funds to go to the booster club that funds team activities, e.g. all funds go to the team.

For every person that bids enough to get a ticket to the game, for an extra $100 donation, they get the option of receiving a basketball signed by the team and coaches for an extra $100. Again, all the money to the team. Obviously, there would be some logistics in getting the basketballs to everyone. Might be easier to give everyone a signed poster -- whatever.

So, what do you guys think? What suggestions to you have. I would love to see this be our big recruiting weekend as well.
I event in the Field house is best.
This issue was brought up deep into another thread and I think deserves its own thread and discussion. I talked with different people for thirty years about this.

Here's my take and opinion:

First, I think the event needs to be in the field house with advance tickets sold.
Second, it needs to be an actual game with officials.
Third, it needs to be after a week or two of practice.
Fourth, it needs to be a game against former OU players and special guests.

When I say special guests, it shouldn't be announced. But, maybe Capel can use his contacts to get a famous retired pro or two to come in and play. This would be fun for the players and I, for one, would love to watch it.

Fifth, it needs to be on a football game day and prior to the game.

And finally, tickets can only be purchased on an online silent auction basis, with the auction to end at a certain day and time a week or so out. All funds to go to the booster club that funds team activities, e.g. all funds go to the team.

For every person that bids enough to get a ticket to the game, for an extra $100 donation, they get the option of receiving a basketball signed by the team and coaches for an extra $100. Again, all the money to the team. Obviously, there would be some logistics in getting the basketballs to everyone. Might be easier to give everyone a signed poster -- whatever.

So, what do you guys think? What suggestions to you have. I would love to see this be our big recruiting weekend as well.
I event in the Field house is best.

I'm just guessing, but I bet the NCAA would frown on the bolded part. I bet the only people they would allow to participate in something like that would be former OU players.
This issue was brought up deep into another thread and I think deserves its own thread and discussion. I talked with different people for thirty years about this.

Here's my take and opinion:

First, I think the event needs to be in the field house with advance tickets sold.
Second, it needs to be an actual game with officials.
Third, it needs to be after a week or two of practice.
Fourth, it needs to be a game against former OU players and special guests.

When I say special guests, it shouldn't be announced. But, maybe Capel can use his contacts to get a famous retired pro or two to come in and play. This would be fun for the players and I, for one, would love to watch it.

Fifth, it needs to be on a football game day and prior to the game.

And finally, tickets can only be purchased on an online silent auction basis, with the auction to end at a certain day and time a week or so out. All funds to go to the booster club that funds team activities, e.g. all funds go to the team.

For every person that bids enough to get a ticket to the game, for an extra $100 donation, they get the option of receiving a basketball signed by the team and coaches for an extra $100. Again, all the money to the team. Obviously, there would be some logistics in getting the basketballs to everyone. Might be easier to give everyone a signed poster -- whatever.

So, what do you guys think? What suggestions to you have. I would love to see this be our big recruiting weekend as well.
I event in the Field house is best.

Last year before a football game, the men's team held a scrimmage in the fieldhouse, I wasn't there, but heard positive things. An event like that would be even better if it got more publicity and had some in-depth planning.

But I agree, something needs to be done to step up the basketball consciousness when it comes to the preseason. The fieldhouse is a great venue for something like that.
Sounds like a good idea. We really do need something like this. Even last year, the scrimmage in the field house before one of the football games was packed and a good atmosphere. Something should be done about this, anything to enhance the fans and recruits basketball experience. Plus, it would show the team the people are really behind them. I like it.
I like many of the ideas you posted but I would make it free. Allow any and everyone to walk in until the place is packed. The school is already making money at the football game that day, so give fans a break and allow them a free peek at a program on the rise and try to get more hooked on basketball. The main purpose is to have plenty of fan support to impress both the recruits and those who haven't been a big fan of OU basketball, but not on making a few extra bucks.
I have no complaints about how they did it last year at the Fieldhouse before a football game. The place was almost packed and was a nice atmosphere. Would be nice though if they could promote and fill up the LNC for an event like that though.
Only thing I would say is refer to it as a tip-off, not a kickoff...

Don't want people thinking we are a football school;)
The only problem I have with it being on the day of a game is that a lot of people have stuff going on (family, tailgating, etc.)

Take JDM's suggestion and host the event the night BEFORE a home football game. Lots of people arrive in Norman early, students would turn out in force, would create a great environment. Also stresses the importance of OU basketball can stand alone separate from football by being staged the day before.
I went to the scrimmage last year at the fieldhouse. The fieldhouse is the ideal location because it is very close to the stadium. As someone said before the fieldhouse was packed pretty good for the scrimmage before the football game. I saw people coming in from their tailgating and also people coming in from the fanfest that OU puts on for every football games. If we're not going to have a midnight madness concept then having the annual basketball scrimmage before the football game is the answer for this. The scrimmage didn't take anything away from the football game because it ended about an hour and a half before the football game. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Scrimmage at the field house would be nice but at least have a practice every Saturday before the season, that is open to the public.

As to having an event, like a bash, it needs to be packed or it could be used against the program in recruiting. I hope the day comes that it could fill the house, maybe with the help of additional entertainment( the kings of leon right after the basketball:clap
I think the scrimmage at the field house is a good idea. I think last year's was a success and would be something to build on.
I like many of the ideas you posted but I would make it free. Allow any and everyone to walk in until the place is packed. The school is already making money at the football game that day, so give fans a break and allow them a free peek at a program on the rise and try to get more hooked on basketball. The main purpose is to have plenty of fan support to impress both the recruits and those who haven't been a big fan of OU basketball, but not on making a few extra bucks.

exactly. this is precisely the kind of event you don't want to constrict people from attending. if you charge, then you limit the exposure of the team. especially if it's done on football gameday when a family is already having to pay for parking, food, tickets, etc.
I like the idea of a concert to take place in conjunction with the scrimmage. That is a great idea.

On second thought, I like the idea of the scrimmage being free. Maybe 500 balls or posters could be auctioned off at scrimmage to raise money for the team.

I do think it works best prior to a football game.
I like the idea of a concert to take place in conjunction with the scrimmage. That is a great idea.

On second thought, I like the idea of the scrimmage being free. Maybe 500 balls or posters could be auctioned off at scrimmage to raise money for the team.
I do think it works best prior to a football game.

This isn't a high school booster club, there are ample amounts of funding for men's basketball.
Like all of these ideas, plus an idea of having one or more of the low end games in the field house as well. Unfortunately Coppin State on a Wednesday night never gets the juices flowing for most folks. Pull that game and another game outof the season ticket package and play it in the fieldhouse with a first come first serve policy.
Would be great to get a high profile name like KOL to perform in conjunction with a tip-off scrimmage. Would really draw people in if you were able to offer tickets for those who came AND stayed for the scrimmage. Obviously this is a long shot, but it would certainly draw attention to the scrimmage while creating some excitement.
Would be great to get a high profile name like KOL to perform in conjunction with a tip-off scrimmage. Would really draw people in if you were able to offer tickets for those who came AND stayed for the scrimmage. Obviously this is a long shot, but it would certainly draw attention to the scrimmage while creating some excitement.

Yes a long shot but not impossible, KOL are Sooner fans for those that don't know. Season ticket holders should have 1st shot at tickets but standing room students could fill the floor after the hoops. Lets make that happen 2010. :chestram2: