I'll admit when I'm wrong


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2008
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I said for years now that things would remain about the same under Sherri Coale, they are not the same. I don't know for sure what I would do if I were in SC place. Take the money and don't care at all about the program or step down and let someone else figure out the sh*t show of a program....Thinking SC will laugh all the way to the bank and ride off into the sun.
Sadly you are probably right. That would be a real Christian thing to do wouldn’t it?

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When I first joined this forum and stated my opinions (most based on facts), I was accused of all sorts of stuff. I found it quite humorous because I knew the truth would eventually surface. IMHO...if SC wanted to do what was best for the program, she would have moved on the another lofty position at OU before the bottom fell out...sort of like what JConradt did at texas...with the exception that JC actually developed some players and won a NC.