Inbounding under the other basket, down 2, 0.6 sec left. What do you do?

But it happens all the time and is no called.

Not to that extent. If somebody goes to the ground, there is usually a foul called.

Great play call. It works in two ways. To get the foul and FT's. Or to free up the passer to get off a better pass. I know it's an odd situation, but it's a play that the Youngstown staff should have warned their players about. Stuff like that is what makes basketball (and really, all sports) fun.

Edit: And yes, it's a play I've seen run before.
That has been around forever. Most refs will not make that call.

Teams use it a lot of times to get the guy off the ball for a clear view to pass it in.

The first time I saw this run successfully was in 1970 and Ted Owens ran it at the end of a game for a big win at Kansas.
Im aware of that. He didn't set it up that time, not sure why... BUT I assure you it came from that same "set"

Not sure what your beef is lately, but you wear me out with pointing out flaws. You life suck that bad? I don't make this $hit up so I look cool or smart... Just trying to add to the story a little.

Not trying to wear anyone out. That was the large criticism of Pitino during that game, not having anyone guard the in-bounder which allowed Thomas Hill to get an accurate throw down the court. It's why you rarely don't see a defender on the ball anymore.